Thirty-Six (36)

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Kaminari came back with Kirishima, Uraraka and Koda with their floating trays.
They overheard what Monoma said from a few meters apart and pushed him out of the way.

"Ow!!" Monoma groaned looking up to the electric blonde since he fell down.

"You here something?" Kaminari asked, tilting his head slightly at Kirishima.

"Dunno dude. You're probably hearing things." Kaminari shrugged as he pushed the trays and each student from their class passed it on to each other until all of them are settled with their own food.

The four continued on ignoring Monoma's groans and whines as they sat on their individual seats. All of them procceeded on their own conversation as if nothing happened.

"Hey!! I'm talking here!!" Monoma shouted making Tsuyu flinch, she started rubbing her ears.

"Hagakure-chan. Do you have any relatives here that has the same quirk as yours? Kero." Tsuyu said looking at the said girl.

"None at all! I don't remember having a brainless relative." Hagakure sassed, as she continued eating her food.


"You guys are probably villains too! Considering that you're all buddy-buddies with this villain deku of yours. I won't be surprised if you guys are the traitors and just simply disguised as a wannabe heroes." Monoma farte-- said (sorry about that. Each time he opens his mouth smells like rotten trash)

Class 1A and the rest of the whole cafeteria fell silent. Even those who were in the very end or far seats came closer just to hear the small commotion the pale blonde is starting. (The dramaaaa!!)

"What? Can't talk? It's probably true anyways. Lookie here?! The blasty bastard who acts no... The blasty Villain bastard. And Todoroki? I've always thought you're decent but now?? You just seem like a boring person. I think you're the type of villain to just sit in your hide out an--" Izuku slammed the spoon on the table as he stabbed the fork straight up to his plate.

The loud bang was enough to make everything soooo silent to the point that you could even feel that you're inside of a horror movie. The plate was broken into 3 unequal pieces as the fork went through the table.

Monoma gulped seeing the greenette's face that has darkened. Izuku had his head hung low, his curly bangs dropping as a dark shadow covered his eyes.

"Don't call my class a villain." Izuku coldly said immidietly sending the students who heard him to north pole. His voice was icy cold and dead, it was abit groggy too.

"You talk too much... I was a criminal before. But... Hearing you talk to my class like that makes me want to become a criminal again." The students shivered and felt a harsh chill on their spines hearing Izuku talk in his not so usual tone.

Even Katsuki didn't dared to talk, he felt pure intimidation while just looking at the greenette. He never felt this way before-- well... Except the times Izuku would call him 'Katsuki' instead of 'Kacchan' that's some scary shit right there.

Izuku was never the first-name basis type of person. But you'll know that you're deadly messed and fucked up if he calls you by your first name. If you thought hearing a cinnamon but also not so cinnamon roll call you by your first name is sweet-- BITCH you wrong as fuck. You'll be straight up sent to hell after having a bloody fight with him.

"Y-you're already a criminal!! And what do you think before?! You're still a villain up until now!!!" Monoma tried hiding the intimidation he felt, but failed at the first attempt..he covered it up by his shouting keeping his mocking expression on his face.

"Really? I'm okay with that..." Izuku had a deep small purr on his voice while saying that-- (ehem, gay panick has attacked quite a few people in the cafeteria) "but if you call MY CLASS a villain again..." Izuku did a low chuckle rolling his eyes lightly as he looked straight at Monoma's soul.

"I'll be craving to have your blood, rip your body apart and... Dry you up and turn you into a human mannequin without blood." Izuki licked his lips rasing his head a little and pulled the fork up from the table creating a slightly disturbing sound as he twirled the fork im between his fingers.

"Y-you thi-think you scare me?!" Monoma stuttered and kept up the 'trying-to-act-normal' expression which made Izuku giggle like a psycho. ('Ya guys know VD's giggle right?)

"I know i do." Izuku said scrunching his nose a little while saying that making him look like he's mocking Monk-noma... Okay it's not 'look' because he IS mocking Monk-noma.

"You're ivel!" Monoma's scared to the point that he even mispronounced a word.he ran away not just from embarrasment but also frightened by the villain.

Izuku placed both of his hands on the sides of his lips. "I KNOW!!!" Izuku yelled making sure that Monoma heard him.

Izuku clicked his tongue before laughing a little. "Coward little shit."

Katsuki blowed air on his nose displaying an amused smirk on his face. "I'm proud." Katsuki said looking at Izuku who only looked back with a small smirk too.

"I knew you would."

"U-uhm... Y-you can have my ri-rice ball..." Izuku looked at Koda who talked quietly and saw the guys looking at him.

Izuku didn't really feel like eating right now. But it's surprising that Kaminari still bought him a tray of food despite requesting a juice. He's a good friend tho.

And koda is also one too. He may not seem like it, but he's the type of silent person who knows everything. So... You can call him a silent killer 'ya know? But not a literal killer. Koda is caring and sweet, he'll be a reliable friend and he's the type of person who will trust you with everything and support you with your decisions. He may not talk too much but his actions does.

"Yes, please." Izuku said. Koda smiled as he passes on the rice ball wrapped in a small pastic. His classmate passed it on and on until it reached Izuku.

Izuku smiled at Koda warmly. "Thank you, Koda-kun." Koda only nodded with a faint blush on his cheeks.

'He's really the shy type person, huh? What an innocent creature.' Izuku thought smiling mentally. He considers Koda as his friend, and that will never change.

Izuku removed the plastic and ate his rice ball. 'Haven't tasted this for a while... It's nice.' Izuku remembered how his mother would always pack him snacks and kiss him a good bye on the forehead.

He remembered how she kissed his forehead the moment her life was on the line and eventually gave up-- good bye indeed.

Izuku teared up a little but shooked his head and pushed his tears back by blinking a few times. He sighed and took a bite.

"Are you okay, deku-kun?" Uraraka asked noticing the sudden change of mood.

The others looked at the greenette after hearing those words. Izuku pushed a forced smile. "Yes, i'm okay."

'Lies.' Katsuki thought looking at the greenette's lonely and dull eyes.

"If you say so..." Uraraka gave up knowing Izuku won't be opening up soon.

The day went on as usual and everything seemed normal for the past few weeks-- except Izuku.

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