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The pros walked towards the glass door and opened it, they went towards the sleeping boy.

Midnight was about to talk when suddenly Izuku jolted and sat straight catching his breath. He looked at his arm and it has a few thick lines with glowing red on them.

The retainers were broken that made the pros shock, there was also a slightly big crack on the wall the kid was facing when he was asleep.

Izuku clutched his temple as his lungs started to tighten. It made him so hard to breathe that he had to inhale a lump of air from his mouth. It only made it worse, his chest was so tight he started hitting it with his palm.

"A panic attack... Calm him down!" Nezu said as the pros hurdled up around the boy but they made sure to give him the space he needs.

They were also panicking they don't know what to do. All might on the other hand wasn't surprised, he already saw the greenette have lots of panic attacks in the past.

He didn't waste any second as he went towards the boy. "Young Midoriya... I'm here, it's okay." All might comforted softly.

He treated the boy as if he's his son, so you could say it was pretty natural for the both of them. The pros that were inside the room was staring at the sight. It was a beautiful sight but their nerves was telling them that it was suspicious.

Why is All might close with the boy in the first place? They clearly had a history that most of them don't know.

All might kept on rubbing the kid's back talking about something the kid always liked to soothe him out. It seemed to be working as the boy started to calm down.

It was clearly a panic attack, although they were curious as to why he wasn't crying. Most of the people who often have massive attacks like that would end up crying the whole time.

They figured out that it's his way of dealing with the attack. Everyone has a different way to deal with those type of things.

Panic attacks are common for depressive people who overthinks everything, and it is something that is hard to cure. Seeing him panting intensely without crying made them come with a conclusion that the boy always dealt with those on his own.

"I...i need to use my quirk, i swear to god i will not use it as an escape. You can strangle my neck if you want but i really need to do this if you're going to send them to their families." Izuku said, his voice was so hoarse that the pros almost feel the scratched feeling on his throat.

"But you need to make your recovery f--" midnight was cut off by Izuku who only shooked his head.

"No no no, i need to do this now... I'll probably in a comma after a few minutes since i've lost too much blood, internal bleedings, my limbs are almost cracked as small pieces, and so such. I need to do it before i pass out." Izuku was struggling on standing up as he held on to the wall for support.

The pros was about to protest when suddenly, Izuku grabbed Aizawa's scarf and wrapped it around his own neck, heck all his bruises on his neck was hurting so badly to the point that he almost hissed like a snake.

That took the pros off guard as the greenette's eyes glowed a neon green.
The pros were confused as to why nothing has changed. Izuku talked with his eyes glowing as he explained.

"We're currently in reality, the only people i casted an illusion on is the LOV and All for one. If you're worried that i might be lying and escape, Aizawa can easily snap my neck and erase my quirk."

Nezu called Ryuku as he ordered them to let the people out and go back to their homes. Ryuku in the other hand followed the instruction.

"I... Shit, can someone please put me on live... I need to tell it in public." Without any complains Midnight opened her account and put it on live.

Izuku felt his heart thump painfully as he squeezed his eyes. "I'll get straight to the point, please... Just please! Don't talk about this incident for a few months! You're families are safe, don't ever talk about this anymore or else all of us will be dead. They'll hunt everyone of us if this goes in public without my presence. It'll create a chaos for us. And for those who's family member is still isn't home... They were turned into a nomu, i'm begging the pros not to hurt them, i made a cure for them to return back to normal so please be patient and wait for my appearance, i won't be back after a few months. So please... Just ple-- please! If you're going to talk about this tomor-- shit... Tomorrow, the next day, the next next day or so... Please make me be the bad guy... Make them think that i killed them! Make them think that i got jailed up! Make them think that i'm on their side!! Just... Just... Trust me. Please... Onegai..." Izuku's breath hitched as he finally passed out, he almost hit his head but luckily Aizawa caught him without stranggling the kid's neck.

"He's not breathing! Call the ambulance!!" Detective Tsukauchi demanded as the officers who eatched and in the state of shock flinched and focused.

"Shit shit shit... This guy is gonna die,  cinnamon roll is gonna die." Snipe panicked as he started running around the room with his gun in hand.

"Shut up will you?!" Midnight shouted as he looked at the kid once again.

"Poor kid." Present mic said as he started to tear up and landed his sight in the crack on the wall.

He squinted his eyes only to see small alphabets. He walked towards and and read it out loud. "I can... Still... Activate my... Quirk... After passing out... For a few minutes... Make sure... To... Tell... Them, since...they won't listen... To me." He looked at the others who had their eyes widened.

All of them looked at the poor kid with a proud yet worried emotion. They were shocked at how intelligent the kid was, it's as if he predicted the future.

His first priority wasn't himself, but the safety of the others. A hero indeed.
But the only downward of it is because his plans and way of saving is too risky and life threatening.

They came up with a conclusion that the boy never cared about his limits when it came to saving others. And that's the life threatening thing. What would happen if your plan succeeded perfectly but died in the end. How could you possibly save others if you're dead?

Present mic faced Midnight's phone. "Please believe him, we won't know what will happen... Don't even think about talking about this incident. For now Deku is injured and was tortured by the villain, and as you can see your family members are safe, and he made a serum to cure for those who got turned into some type of experimented people. We will have to wait for his recovery, but for now please listen to him. Just forget about what happened today." Present mic remarked as he faced the villain being carried by some of the officers.

"Let's discuss this with the others."

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