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Lunch ended and class 1A moved back to their classroom. And their afternoon class started.

Bla bla bla bla bla
Bla bla bla bla bla

(Sorry, i just got lazy and my motivation ran away. Shit.)

School ended and Class 1A has been dismissed. All of them are walking towards their dorms.

"Oh right... I don't have a single cloth with me, when i came here." Izuku mumbled but Todoroki and Uraraka heard him.

"I can let you borrow some of mine for the meanwhile." Todoroki offered. Izuku looked a little up since Todoroki is slightly taller than him.

"Are you sure?" Todoroki nodded and Izuku smiled. "Alright." Uraraka is just on the corner admiring her 'ship' .she just ships them since they looked cute together.

"You know... You two would really look good as a couple." Uraraka blurted out making Izuku and Todoroki look at her with wide eyes.

Izuku chuckled and so as Todoroki.
"I also thought of it too... But, i already like someone else and so does Midoriya." Uraraka felt her heartbreak just hearing her ship crumble infront of her breaks her heart.

But she immidietly smiled as she heard a new discovery. "Who are the two of you inlove with?" Uraraka asked feeling giddy all of the sudden.

Todoroki squatted a little since the two are much smaller than him. He doesn't mind sharing what's in his mind or who he likes so... He'll just tell her.

"Yaomomo." Uraraka almost choked on her saliva with her eyes widen.

The others couldn't hear them since they all had a few conversations on their own.

uraraka gasped and smiled "Really?!" She squeaked and jumped. Todoroki nodded and straightened his posture feeling flustered.

"How about you Deku-kun?" Uraraka asked Izuki who was listening to both of them.

"My bully." Izuku simply answered making Uraraka lift a brow in confusion.

"Why would you fall inlove with your bully?"

"There's a hundred thousand reasons why." Izuku winked making Uraraka squeal.

"Oh em gee! Now that i think of it! It's kinda like those dramas you see in TV or--or those that you read in some novels! That's so cutteeeee." Izuku chuckled and just looked at how happy Uraraka is. She's pretty much of a fangirl when it comes to romance and such.

They were startled when Hagakure, Mina and Yuga sprinted to their sides and smiled widely with sparkles almost appearing on each sides of them.

"I smelled the scent of T E A. don't be shy, spill it!" Yuga said with his thumb and index finger touching each other and saying it with an australlian accent. Which Todoroki and Izuku understood by the way.

"I don't know what he just said, but... C'mooonn! Spill the fucking teaaa!" Mina said jumping around while holding Hagakure's hand.

"Alright~ but Uraraka will be the one to tell you." Izuku chuckled skipping back and walked beside Katsuki who was slightly startled at the sudden appearance.

"What the fuck Deku?!!! STOP ACTING LIKE A MUSHROOM!!" Katsuki shouted smacking Izuku.

Izuku just laughed at the blonde and smiled lovingly. "Hmm? Does kacchan don't want Izuku anymore?" Katsuki was shocked to see and hear Izuku talking in 3rd person.

Fuck that's so cute. "Stop that! You look stupid!" Katsuki hid his flustered face by avoiding Izuku who only laughed once again.

"I don't think kacchan wants me gone. Alright! I'll stay with kacchan forever!!" Their classmate were just at the back pretending to be stones.

They saw how sweet--too sweet Izuku could be when he's talking to Katsuki. It was such a cute sight, bunnies, pandas and even babies would feel giddy seeing the two together.

And of course-- after seeing that sweet interaction... HA! Class 1A ships it.

"Bet you would die before me." Izuku shooked his head at the blonde.

"Nah~ i'll try and keep myself alive, so that the both of us could die together." Izuku beamed a smile towards Katsuki (ehem... Gay panicking Bakugou noises intensifies*)

"You better be." Katsuki muttered under his breath before completely ignoring the nerd that's beside him.



Izuku finally had his own dorm, he's a little upset that his dorm is far from Katsuki, but nonetheless he didn't complained.

His dorm is... Empty, of course. He just woke up from a 4 month comatose yesterday. The only clothes he has was his tux which is the only thing he had before passing out and his uniform.

Luckily, Todoroki is kind enough to lend him some clothes and undergarments. He was about to ask Bakugou for clothes but Todoroki lent him first. Who is he to turn the bi-colored boy down?

All might bought Izuku's uniform and school supplies, since he figured that Izuku won't have any considering that he's a villain.

Villains don't go to school okay?! And it's not like there's a school for villains anyway.

Izuku thanked All might yesterday night and told him that Izuku would pay him back which All might declined.

Izuku sighed and placed his bag on the table beside his bed. He took off his school blazer and laid down on his bed.

He placed an arm over his eyes and sighed once again. The silence reminds him of the times he got experimented at, the nights he stayed at the League's hide out. The nights he deals with everything on his own.

It's depressing. It seems like he won't be sleeping any time soon. Izuku has been pulling out fake smiles throughout the day. He just couldn't bring himself to enjoy, he's so anxious that maybe him being in a school for heroes would reach the league and All for one.

He doesn't have any excuse as to how it happened. He knew that one day, someone would spill everything he's done.
Someone would tell the league about Izuku backstabbing them.

He's smart, but the league and All for one is smart too. He knew that a simple excuse wouldn't work on them. He doesn't know what to do anymore.

He's so paranoid that one day, the league would know everything and turn Japan into dusts. He doesn't want to witness any blood being spilled from an innocent person's body.

"Shit shit shit. Blade blade blade..." Izuku started searching for any sharp object that could slice his skin. He's emotionally hurt and it's killing him.

The only thing thing that could ease his wrecked mental state is to hurt himself physically.

"Why the hell is there no blade in here?!" Izuku told himself before gripping into a fistful of his hair and pulling them harshly back and forth.

Izuku went outside and saw his classmates having fun. He smiled bitterly 'i wish i could also be able to smile like that'  izuku told himself before shrugging the thought off.

"Hey..." Izuku greeted making the others look at him, they all greeted him back with a smile.

"Where's... Kacchan?" The greenette asked not seeing a glimpse of the blonde.

"He's cooking in the kitchen." Jirou answered making Izuku nod.

"If he ever wants to come to my room or find me... Tell him that i'm going to sleep, i'm so tired and... I don't want anyone to disturb me." Izuku hesitantly said. He doesn't want to threaten them since they're not the league.

His classmates nodded as a response.
"All right... Does anyone has any-- uhh rubber bands?" Mina raised her hand giddily.

"Me!" Mina stood up and went towards a cabinet and pulled out lots of elastic bands. She gave Izuku three of them.

"Thank you." Izuku didn't waited for her to reply since he turned his back quickly and jogged towards his room.

'Weird' his classmates thought to themselves but shrugged it off thinking that the ex-villain is still adjusting since everything is most likely new to him..

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