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"Damn i'm full!" Kaminari said rubbing his belly as he plopped himself on the couch with his right leg sticking out on the floor while his other leg was resting on the couch.

He made Kirishima's thighs as his pillow.
(*insert lenny faces*) "that was a good meal." Kirishima said as he spread his arms on the backrest of the couch.

"Guys... Check your pho-- no! Wait! I'll just connect it on the TV." they were surprised as to why Jirou suddenly acted that way.

They watched her plug her phone. It wasn't that tok long when they saw a green haired boy full of cuts and bruises. "That's midnight's account! What's happening?!" Uraraka panicked.

Bakugou, kaminari and Sero was confused. They thought deku has a plan? Why is he suddenly taking his appearance without his mask on in public?

Unless...the heroes didn't considered his plan and lets his hard work to a waste...?
"Wait... Is he the deku? The deku deku deku?" Hagakure asked not believing anything.

It can't be.

"---Don't talk about this incident for a few months! You're families are safe, don't ever talk about this anymore or else all of us will be dead. They'll hunt everyone of us if this goes in public without my presence. It'll create a chaos for us. And for those who's family member is still isn't home... They were turned into a nomu, i'm begging the pros not to hurt them, i made a cure for them to return back to normal so please be patient and wait for my appearance, i won't be back after a few months. So please... Just ple-- please! If you're going to talk about this tomor-- shit... Tomorrow, the next day, the next next day or so... Please make me be the bad guy... Make them think that i killed them! Make them think that i got jailed up! Make them think that i'm on their side!! Just... Just... Trust me. Please... Onegai..." The look on the villain's face was full of pain. It looked like he's been enduring everything on his shoulders for the sake of others. He looked like a tortured shit.

"Oh my..." Momo almost fainted after hearing the sudden revelation from the villain himself.

"What the heck?!?! HE PASSED OUT! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Bakugou suddenly screamed as he had the urge to beat the league and the nerd's asshole of a father into a fucking pulp. He left the room with Kaminari and Sero following him.

The two were worried about Izuku of course, they treated him like their younger brother even though he was the one who saved them and made them feel like a baby. (-_-)

Mina and Kirishima followed too leaving the other students in pure shock. They didn't had the time to react to Bakugou's sudden outburst since they were too caught up in their thoughts.

They boy was definately someone dear to each of them as they breathed out and hitched their breaths.

'No way...'


"Hey wait the fuck up, idiots!" Mina cussed as she ran towards the other three. Kirishima also fastened his pace nearly dragging Mina.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!?!" Bakugou screamed as soon as he turned to face the one who dared to call him an idiot.

"Well obviously bakubabe! We know broccoli babyy!" Mina screamed back as she jumped high enough to land on kirishima's shoulders.

"What the heck Mina-brad?! You're gonna fall." Kirishima held both of Mina's legs with his head in between them.

(A/n: don't get too kinky little shits, kiri wasn't facing Minababe's pp.)

"Whatever!" Mina said as Kiri finally caught up with the other three who was obviously panting for air.

They were still running towards the station where the villain was. They were all gasping for air except for Mina who looked like a queen sitting on her servant's shoulders.

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