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Izuku sighed while looking at his future man-- he doesn't know what Katsuki feels but nonetheless it doesn't matter, he'll be stuck with the greenette for the rest of his life. With or without consent.

The fact that Katsuki still bullied him in middle school makes him think that even though the poison is still running inside the blonde's system, it's still him. He's still the person Katsuki loathed, if he cared for someone else then he'd be bullying someone else.

That's the only thing he needs. No matter what, he's the only thing that Katsuki cared for the most. He of course was surprised that the amount of care Katsuki gave him surpassed his parents. So it meant a lot to Izuku.

And yes-- Izuku Midoriya aka Deku is inlove with the angry pomeranian.

"Wanna know how or do i met Deku?" Bakugou dangerously said.

Mineta shaked and raised his chin up faking his confidence. "Yes." The grape head replied. He knew Izuku is there to stop it, they are best bros after all.

"This guy right here." katsuki pointed at Izuku. "Is my fucking childhood bestfriend. Wanna know where he got his shitty alias? I gave him that, although i didn't knew it was him not until the USJ incident. Pretty fucking sick huh?" His classmates' (except the bakusquad) mouth gaped as they all stared at the blonde with wide eyes.

Todoroki also had his eyes widen still shaken up by the shocking revelation, his normal expression leaving his face.

Izuku chuckled and stood up as he threw a few pats on Katsuki's shoulder.
"Alright that's enough, Kacchan. Let's all calm down. Because if you don't i'll seriously murder you." Izuku's villain cold voice made the room filled with chills. Even Aizawa shivered a little just by hearing that murderous attempt.

Katsuki hid his intimidation and smacked Izuku, he knew he had control over Izuku-- well not until the greenette called him his full name. That's some scary shit out there. And yea, he had control over Izuku 'cuz... Duh! He's the top. Just kidding we all know that when Izuku is a villain he's either a top or a switch.

"You can't even kill a butterfly!" Katsuki shouted at the greenette making Izuku let out an innocent smile making the others look at him dumbfounded and creeped out a little.

They really wouldn't know if those smiles are genuine or just simply covering up the murderous thought the greenette would have. But of course it's Izuku, he wouldn't do those things.

Everytime Izuku changes his mood, it gives the class anxiety with mixed trust issues.
"So... I think Shouta sensei wouldn't be teaching us any soon. Mind if i teach you guys? Oh oh! I really wanted to be called Izuku sensei or Midoriya sensei or- Deku sensei!" Izuku showing his playful and child side is just... P E R F E C T I O N.
He looked so cute. And it's good that he's enjoying himself--

"Oh shut up deku! You ain't doing shit! I ain't gonna call you sensei you fucker." Katsuki glread at the greenette who only smiled with an eyebrow slightly raised.

"So Kacchan~ isn't that a bad term to call your temporary teacher?" Izuku said making Katsuki snicker.

."you're still gonna call your student the nickname you used to call them?" The blonde ask making the greenette smile widely.

"Nahh~ i'd rather stick with the kacchan thing than call you Katsuki when i'm not mad." Izuku knew Katsuki is scared when he calls him by his name, he knew the blonde too much to the point that he can even recognize him even if they were 5-6 miles apart.

The both held a staring contest, neither of them doesn't want to lose. Izuku narrowed his eyes, making sure he had that Villain Deku expression on his face making him look-- H a w t.

The girls are starting to have trust issues with the boy, at first you'll definately see an innocent bunny but the second thing you know you'd see a very H O T D A D D Y.

the girls could only thought of the meme with the words 'how can someone be so adorable~ AND HOT AT THE SAME TIMEEE!!!'  Of course insert the intense screaming slash ruined voice.

Katsuki gave up knowing he wouldn't win if Izuku had that expression on his face. Everyone would think that it's because he was intimidated, but the truth is... He's having this disease called *tenteneneen~*
✨ g a y p a n i c ✨

"I win!" Izuku said and giggled. He twirled on his heel 360° he slammed the both of his hands on the teacher's desk and smiled.

"Alright~ let's get to class. If none of you participated..." Izuku did his psycopath giggle that almost made the students purple and pale. "Of course you need to! If there's anything you don't get, i'll help!" And the mood swing is present once again.

After Izuku taught the class every single subject since none of the other teacher's attended, due to an emergency meeting, he had to teach them.

Aizawa took a nap for almost half of the day and it's almost lunch time. Aizawa really be takin' a day off with Izuku around.

"After finding it's square root, of course you still need to multiply it. But make sure to not directly multiply them. For example.
3 that is the square root of 9, place it inside a parenthesis (9) and add the given and solved numbers for b a and c." Izuku is currently teaching them math since it'll be really hard for them to learn high type algebra if they couldn't even remember their past lessons in middle school.

(Don't judge me, sis! I could barely even remember math. Uhm..hello?? What do you expect me to do in my free time? Read school books? Bitch i read YAOI and listen to yagami yato!)

Momo and the other students that were advanced were given the time to solve their current lesson from vlad king. While the others who still complains get to have a lesson that's still connected to their current algebra.

Kaminari has been focusing and luckily he caught up. Izuku is really there to give him a helping hand. He taught Kaminari the things he doesn't understand. He answered and throughly explained every single question the electric blonde asked.

It really helped, back then everytime Kaminari would ask, the teachers would take it as a funny joke even though he was completely serious, he also wanted to learn but the teachers in his middle school would either smack his head or twist his ear and yell something insulting.

Kaminari didn't knew he spaced out and Izuku saw it. The cheery electric blonde has this sad expression on his face and Izuku was confused as to what's going inside his head.

"Mind if you share your thoughts Kaminari?" Izuku pointed out making the other students look at him. "You seemed to have dramatic flasbacks on the back of your head." The bakusquad laughed except for bakugou who is too engrossed at solving his algebra.

"C'mon man, you're thinking of something stupid again." And just like that everyone thought that the only thing Kaminari thinks is about stupidity and insane shits.

Kaminari didn't knew that he had a pained look on his face but immidietly changed it all out with a joking glare.

"Oh c'mon man!"

Izuku sighed looking at the boy, the moment that look slipped, izuku caught it. He knew exactly what the electric blonde was thinking.

"So... You're gonna tell me what happened to your past? Is this about you being called stupid?" Izuku pointed out making Kaminari gape. He didn't knew Izuku was THAT observant, too observant to notice that small detail.

"I-i..." Kaminari is completely speechless, he doesn't know what or how to respond.

Izuku sighed once again and stretched his arms. "You know... You're not stupid electric boi, you're just simply... How should i call this..? You're just a slow learner. There's no stupid person in this world. It's only either they don't cope up with something too easily or they just simply don't know anything about it yet because the others who were supposed to teach you ended up stopping you from learning." Kaminari blinked a few times and gulped. Hearing it from someone else's perspective is like laying in a bed full of feathers.

He didn't knew Izuku would caught up too quickly.- seeing Izuku smile warmly and sweetly at him made him feel like he's not alone anymore. He felt like someone understood him. He felt like... He just met an angel of his life. Just like Jirou did.

'I'll definately protect him, even if it costs my life-- no homo.'

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