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(Read it or i'll kick your ass.

Alright! So i deleted the past Chapter 41 to avoid more complications in reading this trash of a book. It's so messed up and i don't know hpw to fix it!!!!!)


"We know."

" *cough* i'll kill you all."

"Oh? Is that a threat?"

"Threat? I don't do threats. It's a fucking promise--argh! Bitchhead."

"I might as well see you try."

"You're most likely welcome to watch."
"I can't... I can't...what if something bad happens?!"

"Calm down... Okay? Calm down."


"**** shut up! I'm not gonna let you go if you're in that fucking state!"

"So are you going to tell us what happened?"

"Yes. But i need a little bit more information."

"Alright... I think some of them noticed. I'll bring them in."

Katsuki woke up in the middle of the night, finding himself thirsty. He spent 10 minutes shouting on his pillow, punching his mattress and ripping the pillows after, causing his throat to ache. His room IS a total mess.

You could've mistaken that a tornado invaded his room or smth.
'Who would ever love you anyways?!' Mina's voice started echoing out of nowhere.

Katsuki smirked bitterly. 'Right... Who would love me anyway? I'm an asshole and i know that... I never thought that experiencing this type of heartbreak can already compete with an actual heart attack.'

He stood up from his bed and stared at his room before leaving, closing the door behind him. 'I'll just get some water.'
Katsuki scratched the back of his head for aome unknown reason. He soon arrived at the kitchen only to see Izuku holding his phone while smirking.

Katsuki glared at the greenette feeling the same feeling of betrayal the moment Izuku lied to hi--them. Izuku lied to everyone! He felt anger as his blood boil just by seeing the greenette. He felt this way before, but now...? Those poison quirk thingy doesn't workon him no more.

He felt pure and genuine anger. He curled his fingers into a fist and gripped on them tightly, causing his fingers to dug in his palms.

"Oh?- Kacchan!" Katsuki had his eyes widen when he saw how Izuku just acted as if nothing happened.

Katsuki didn't replied instead he kept silent, walking towards their water dispenser. He got himself a cup and filled it in with a mild hot water to lessen the scratchy feeling on his throat. Damn esophagus be feeling like shit rn.

"What happened to you?" Katsuki felt his eyebrow twitched as to what Izuku said.

'Is he serious?!'

Katsuki slowly turned to the greenette with a set of glare in his eyes. "What's that look on about?"

"Stop pretending, Deku. I know what you're doing." Anger was slowly lacing on Katsuki's voice sending piercing stares on the greenhead. His voice wasn't at the best conditions right now, but he knew that he had to say something.

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked looking genuinely confused.

"Don't you remember?" Katsuki gripped on to the cup so hard to the point that it started to crack. 'This fucking jerk... The fucking audacity!'

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