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Soon after, Class 1A woke up and went towards the common area. Except Katsuki.

A/N: probably because i'm an Author. And Author's have the rights to call their characters which ever they like. Bitch.
Ps; i don't own the MHA characters-- 'ya know what i mean.)

"Hey Midoriya." Iida greeted the greenette who was laying on the couch with his eyes closed.

Izuku only hummed in response.
"You seemed pretty beat up. Are you okay?"
Shouji asked Izuku who only raused his arm a little so that he could peek at the person who talked.

"I'm okay." Izuku said groggily and dropped his arm over his eyes again.

"Bakugou hasn't came down yet? He always comes first." Kaminari asked sipping on his cup of coffee.

"Who knows." Mineta shrugged as he jumped on to the couch with his eyes almost dropping from feeling sleepy.

They heard a loud thud causing the others except Izuku flinch. Katsuki came running with a distressed look on his face. It was almost as if he saw a ghost, he's still in his messed up pj's and sloppy eyes.

"Where's deku?!" Izuku immidietly jolted up only to see Katsuki's unwell state.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Izuku made his way towards Katsuki and gave him a hug. Katsuki tugged his face on the crook of Izuki's neck inhaling the greenette's faint lavender scent.

"You scared me! I thought the villains got you again." Katsuki's voice was rather... Shaky

"What made you think like that?" Izuku asked in a soothing voice, Katsuki then felt a little calmer and pulled away making an eye contact with Izuku.

"You weren't there when i woke up. I know that shit happens everytime i don't see you." Katsuki said looking at the greenette's emerald eyes, yep. He's completely mesmerized.

Izuku chuckled while looking at the blonde amusingly. "Kacchan... I made a proposal didn't i? I'll stay with you forever until the day that the both of us dies." Katsuki widened his eyes before backing away slightly.

"That was a proposal?!?!?!" Izuku laughed at the reaction.

"Kacchan! You're dumb! What do you think a person meant after saying that he/she wants to spend the rest of his/her life by someone's side?!" Katsuki blinked a few times.

'He probably meant it in a friend-thing way. Don't get your hopes up high, shitrag. Deku doesn't like boys.' Katsuki thought to himself being the denial king he is.

"That gotta be the most unprepaired proposal i have ever heard." Sero said making the others glare at him except Deku for ruining the moment.

It's rare to see the one and only Lord explosion murderer dynamight to be a fucking soft puppy in front of a green rabbit.

"Way to go for ruining the romantic sight, tape shit." Mina glared at her friend cursing him 'till her blood runs black.

"Calm down jammal. Don't pull up the nine." Sero raised both of his hands as if he was caught red handed.

"Ahahahaha." Kaminari laughed continuing the meme mp.4

"I'll go make breakfast!" Deku said making Katsuki and sato turn pale.

"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN/i don't think that's a good idea." Sato and Katsuki said both at the same time making the others frown in confusion.

"What's wrong? Midoriya's just gonna make us breakfast." Momo asked genuinely confused.

"You don't understand momo-san." Sato said looking a little nervous.

"JUST DON'T LET THIS FUCKHEAD IN THE KITCHEN OR ELSE ALL OF US WILL BE SLEEPING OUTSIDE!" Katsuki yelled making Izuku pout at what Katsuki said.

"You're so mean! You owe me 5 Katsudon!!" Izuku yelled crossing both of his arms turning his head to the sides not wanting to look at the blonde.

"Gladly! I'd rather owe you Katsudon than burn the kitchen and smoke the house." Katsuki

(Wtf?!?! wattpadddd what happeneddd?! I'M PRETTY SURE THAT THE WORDS WERE UP TO 1245 BUT WHY THE FYCK IS IT 658?!?!?)

"Alright class, you guys will be training with Class 1B and C. It will be such a gassle and waste of time if you guys will train in different schedules. The school is planning on making a festival soon so you guys better have something in mind to contribute. Anyways that's all. I'm gonna sleep." Aizawa announced as the class cheered in hooray.

"That'll be so epic!!" Kaminari cheered as he looked at his classmates with excitement.

"Sure it is." Izuku replied slightly smirking.

(I give up! I can't rember anything i've wrote in this chapter! I'll publish the next a little later after i review some incase i remember something from this chap)

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