Fourty-Three (43)

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(Time for the revelations! I'll be putting the chapters from which revelations that should be going next, just so you know i'll be doing it in order. So don't worry, every questions-- well not really but most of them will be answered.)

(Chapter 39. Izuku's 3rd view of perspectives)

"Is there something you want to tell me?"
The blond asked. Izuku was feeling cold but the excitement of finally saying what he feel warms him up.

"Yes." Izuki replied as he sighed. "I want you to know how much i l--" Izuku felt like he was being watched and so he looked at his foot and activated his quirk.

He put everyone and i mean EVERYONE.he mixed his quirk with 3% of One For All. So it's enough to work on the whole yuuei grounds.

He left his body and let his illusionary self do the work. Once he left his body, he looked around and his eyes caught twice. He was very well hidden on the bushes.

Izuku sighed and watched his illusionary self and Katsuki. If it's an offcial member of the league then he can't harm them. Not just yet.

Katsuki looked at the greenette with pure confusion. Illusionary Izuku hung his head low before slowly raising his head. He had his demon expression in his face.

"I just want you to know how much i loath you." 'No... I don't... I'm sorry.' Izuku whispered on the back ground.


"You know Katsuki... I really want to kill you here on the spot. But... Won't that make me suspicious?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Hurt was evident on Katsuki's voice. 'He's hurt... And it's all because of me. I'm sorry kacchan.' 

"Hmm? What am i talking about? You're really stupid are you?" His illusionary self laughed.

"What's wrong with you?!" Anger is slowly lacing on Katsuki's voice. 'So... Hurting you really is my only choice don't i?'

"I dunno~ just wanted to let you know that i hate you so much... I never once stopped being a villain-- i'm just here to collect some information. Ah~ stupid heroes." Izuku said looking at Katsuki as if he was the most dense person in the whole world.

"I-i thought--"

"YOU THOUGHT!!" Izuku laughed like a maniac. "Every single one of you are stupid. Now tell anyone about this-- you guys are a~~ll dead." Izuku said in a singsonged voice as he slowly walked towards the door leaving a confused and hurt Katsuki.

Izuku followed his Illusionary self and as soon as he closed the door, he deactivated his quirk. He could hear the faint sobs from Katsuki and it hurts him. He started tearing up as he walked through the stairs.

'I'm sorry, i don't know how to cope up with this anymore. If i end up dying-- no... If this book ends that represented my life... Then you're the best chapter for me. I love you kacchan. If i don't survive, at least find someone who can continue your book of life and end it with happiness.'

'I regret everything... But even if you break me to pieces, you're still a goddamn exemption. I'm happy... Even if everything you said and did was just pretend. I love it when you lie-- even if i know that it's breaking my heart. As long as it's you-- it's fine. I'll take on every lie, every time you pretend, i'll take it! Just-- just love me again... Love me even it's just pretend.'

Chapter 39 revelation, Izuku's 3rd view of perspectives.

"I want you to meet..." All for one snapped his hand as a person appeared to his side appearing in the lights.

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