Thirty-Seven (37)

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(I'm starting to see a glimpse of a finish line of this story... So-- i'm making every chapter a lot longer than the usual 1200-1400 thousand words. I don't know-- i'll be thinking of a sequel if you guys are unsatisfied with the ending. And now i present you!!!

BAKUDEKUUUUUUU!!!! LEMME HEAR YOU ROAR MY BAKUDEKU BABES!!! I'll be continuing this in another chapter.)

Izuku has been a lot jumpy lately, every scratch, dropping things, loud thuds were enough to make the greenette flinch. The class noticed it very well, it seems like Izuku is always paranoid of everything.

They would always see dried blood stains on the greenette's wrist. Bakugou noticed and scolded the greenette who doesn't seem to listen.

He gets very irritated lately, he once threw a knife at Shoto while his eyes felt like sharp daggers digging on to your back. Luckily it only sliced a small cut on Shoto's cheek.

He's a lot less energetic and always seemed like a total emo. He's always surrounded with depressing pheromones (lmao, omegaverse who?) He's a lot less smiley and just kept quiet.

"Alright! Kirishima, Midoriya. Get it over with." They're currently in the gym gamma having their p.e period.

Normally, students would just rush on a jog for 15 minutes but hey! It's eraserhead we're talking about! You think he's the type to go all softie with his kids without injuring them? Well yea i think the fuck not.

Izuku's eyes glowed a vibrant neon green that was visible to everyone. They saw how Izuku leave his own body as if he was a ghost.

"Wh--what's...?" Iida stuttered staring at the other greenette that left it's body like a ghost who plopped his body on the ground. And back at the still-standing greenette.

"That's how my quirk works. We're currently in reality and that piece of shit of a body of mine is an illusion that Kirishima sees. Even you guys left your own bodies." Izuku said. And as if on que the students looked at their bodies and saw that they have seemed to be doubled up.

"What the...?" Aizawa is also stunned. He knew about the greenette's quirk but he didn't thought that it would be this magneficent. It's powerful and tricky.

"Why didn't kiri leave his own body like us?" Sero asked making Izuku look at him.

"Well... He's the person i casted my Illusions on. His body is still in reality but everything he sees will be illusions. Watch." The students looked back at the standing greenette (the illusionary one.)

"Aren't you gonna fight back?" The illusion deku said at the red head.

(Let's get into kiri's perspective shall we?)

"I will!" Kirishima said as he looked at the standing greenette infront of him. He saw how Izuku's eyes glowed, he knew that his quirk is activated but he doesn't quite exactly know what it is.

Kirishima charged towards the greenette who only dodged. He kept charging towards Izuku and Izuku only dodged him. Kirishima threw a punch Izuku doged once again, but he sure as hell knew that his pinky fingertip went through the greenette

"What..?" Kirishima was stunned and confused. 'Is his quirk ghostery or something?!'

(Back at reality)

"Woah---" Kaminari saw their illusionary self cheering at the two and the two kept fighting-- well not really.

"Looks like he knew that my body wasn't real." Izuku brushed his pants off and went towards Kirishima's back. He activated a 4% of one for all and gave the red head a neck slice.

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