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"You're the guy he's been talking about?!" Sero shouted pointing at Kaminari. He faced palm himself when he remembered the nickname the greenette gave to the boy.

"Why what? So i met him first?"
Kaminari asked which made Sero nod.

"Probably, dude! He called you Electric boy! HAHAHAHHA!" Kaminari glared at Sero as he mentally cursed the greenette from giving him a weird ass nickname.

"Shut up. Tape arms." He smirked upon remembering the nickname he heard from the villain when they got attacked in the USJ.

"Shut up." Sero rolled his eyes feeling a little annoyed. The nicknames weren't weird 'ya know? It was truths. Duh.

"Oh and by the way he told you to shut up, or else everything will be ruined. That's why he gave you a serum, 'cuz he doesn't trust you enough" Sero spoke flicking Kaminari's forehead.

Kaminari snickered staring smugly at Sero who was just smirking. "For all i know, he gave you the serum too. That's why you can't remember him. Eitherway, he doesn't trust you enough too."

"Fuck you dude."

"Fuck you too dude." They both laughed at each other minding their own world when mina suddenly broke it.

"What the heck are you guys talking about?" The two zipped their mouths when they noticed how quiet the room was. They didn't noticed that their classmates and their homeroom teacher was listening.

"Nothing." The both said in unison, avoiding eye contact with most of them.

"So i suppose that the two of you remembered now? Come with me." Before Aizawa could even took a step out of the room Kaminari quickly opposed.

"I'm sorry sensei, but we can't give you any information regarding the incident."
Aizawa's eyes glowed red with his scarf and hair floating.

"And why?"

"We just can't... Whatever his plans is. I can assure you tha--" sero nudged kaminari's arms before shaking his head, indicating the guy to stop and not spill more information.

"We need that information! Do you understand our situation right now?! Huh?!" The class flinched when their teacher snapped.

"I'm sorry sir, but... Even if he barely trusted us, we won't break it." Kaminari insisted making him look like a stubborn student.

Aizawa groaned before leaving the room with a slam.

"What the heck was that all about?" Mineta said after a few silence.

"What did you guys do? I mean... What do you guys know?" Shouji asked the two who only shooked their heads.

"Can't tell anything dude... I just need to trust that person." Kaminari smiled uneasily as he went back to his seat, same as Sero.

The class didn't question even further as they find the two not answering to any of their questions.


It has been 3 days and Izuku has been locked up. He hated the date today. It was suposed to be his mother's death anniversary. And yet he was here... Caged up like a bird.

"Izuku~ it's experiment time!" Kurogiri said in a sing-songed voice with All for one watching.

Izuku smiled psychotically at the man. "Hi dad." He greeted with a smile.

"It's good to know that you're finally considering me as your father." Izuku's smile almost reached his ear. Almost laughing sarcastically.

'Dad? Don't make me laugh old man, i'd rather consider all might as my father than you, shithead.' Izuku thought remembering how his mother died in the hands of the man infront of him.

Trust Me (Bkdk) (Villain Deku Au) Where stories live. Discover now