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"I'm sorry if i interrupted, i was feeling so anxious and paranoid that the league might know that i'm double crossing them... Because if that happens... I'd have to go back to zero again." The people inside the room only  nodded, understanding what he said.

"Say... Midoriya-kun... Do you want to be a hero?" Gran Torino immidietly stood up after Nezu said that.

"How could we trust that boy?! He's a villain, for all we know he decieved the villains... And i'm not gonna be surprised if one day he'll decieve us too." Izuku looked at Gran Torino and nodded.

"What he said... I mean, you wouldn't know that i already lied to you. I-i mean... How could you be so sure that i'm not lying? Didn't you think that i might be using my quirk? Or something to decieve you and make my escape?" Izuku ranted as he shooked his head desperately.

"That retainer cuffs you have there, is my personal invention, plus you wouldn't even use your quirk since earaserhead used his to stop you from activating it up until you had the cuffs on. And the cuffs you are wearing is a hundred percent retainer, it'll ring it's alarm if you tried to use your quirk... And it didn't. Add the fact that you were already brainwashed, and detective tsukauchi here knows when you lie or not.
And so far all the answer you gave us are truths." Izuku was stunned at the explanation he got before looking down. He fiddled with his fingers not wanting to look at them in the eye.

He witnessed how Earserhead, Midnight, Present Mic and All might look at him with softened gazes which he immdietly dodged.

He knew exactly what look the gave him...
It was mixed pity and worry. It rambles in his head if he would let his pride sink and let himself enter reality and not illusion.

It's been a while since he felt warmth, to the point that even him couldn't remember what it feels like... He knows the word, but doesn't remember what it feels.

After feeling like a dead corpse... He was engulfed with cold. It runs in his veins as if he was  nothing but an almost brain dead person trying to find warmth and wanted to live. He even calls himself pathetic for asking too much.

"And i never told you to explain,  i just asked if you wanted to be a hero." Izuku sighed feeling teary as he sobbed quietly.

"I've always wanted to and i always will... It's just that... I needed to do that for them, i saw how ruthless the league could be ... I saw how the league torture people...i can't stand seeing another person live in hell in the league's and All for one's hands. I wanted them to survive, i wanted to help them... I want them to be carefree and live the life they wanted... Would you believe me if i said that, i'm doing this to save people?" Izuku sobbed, he kept on wiping his tears away remembering how people would treat him like a trash. How people would throw trash at him.

How the league would sometimes treat him... He felt as if he was close to being a guinea pig.

It broke the pro's heart as Kaminari and Sero sobbed together. Katsuki balled his knuckles into a fist with shinsou feeling extremely sad for the boy.

Midnight was also tearing up,  she couldn't imagine what the boy has gone through.

"Would you like to go to my school?" Nezu said shocking all the people inside the room. Izuku shooked his head continously.

"No no no no no no no, de-definately not! There are a lot of people who deserved to be there! That school is the best of the best! It doesn't need a trash villain like me. So no! Besides... I need to continue my plan, but it seems like i can't do things the way i always do now huh?" Izuku said sighing as he sniffed his stuffed nose and wiped his tears.

"FUCKING DUMBASS!! JUST ACCEPT THE OFFER YOU IDIOT! HOW LONG ARE YOU GONNA CONVINCE YOURSELF THAT YOU'RE THE WORST?! HUH?! BITCHTARD I'M SO GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU KEEP DOING THAT PIECE OF SHIT!" Izuku laughed at Katsuki who was spitting nonsense at him while the blonde kept on banging a rolled news paper on the greenette's head.

"Kacchan, i really can't... No matter how hard you look at it... No matter what angle you're looking from... I'm a devil's son. I was praised by satan... And i can't do anything about that... People will still argue that i'm a devil... Add the fact that that eyeless old man is my 'father' who said he'll just buy milk but then he didn't showed up after." The students along with midnight and present mic gasped at the new information

"Wait wait wait... All for one is your dad?!?!"
Midnight asked purely shocked at what she just heard.

"He's only my father by blood, i never really considered him as my dad. Plus, i met someone who i could call a 'father' we might not be from a biological family, but we bond and connects with each other thicker than blood." Izuki looked down as he smirked remembering how, him and All might bonded.

All might on the other hand was touched and felt his heart fill with warmth. He never planned on having a kid but, hearing that his successor thought of him that way made him think that he wanted to adopt him and be his legal guardian.

Gran Torino knew exactly on what the boy was talking about and his doubts vanished. Now that he think of it, one for all has the power to choose. It can either reject or accept.

One for all could've rejected the boy's body m, but judging on the boy one for all is still in him. All might trusted the boy and so as one for all. Gran Torino sighed with ease. He doesn't know the boy fully but... He could see a true heart of a hero.

"Ne... Nezu-kun, will... Will i be happy if i join you? Will it stop me from pretending? Will... Will it make me happy?" Izuku's voice cracked as he sobbed while looking down on his lap.

The pros felt their heart broke once again. Whatever the boy had gone through... He's still a kid.
A teenager who needs guidance. A kid who needs someone to make him feel happy.

"I--" nezu couldn't continue his words when Izuku cuts him off with a sniff and talked.

"Forget what i said, can i please take a rest? I want to take a nap."

"O-of course, of course... We'll leave you here alone." Detective Tsukauchi nodded at the pros and students as they walked out of the room.

An officer entered the room with a futon. They didn't want to make the villain feel uncomfortable, plus they wasn't even sure if he really is a villain--trash that. They're sure that the kid is a hundred % NOT a villain.

"The four of you... Go to your dorms, i'll let you talk to him tomorrow after school. Don't even think about barging here again without my permission, you dipshits." Aizawa glared at his students with his scarf and hair floatong om the either side of him.

"Fucking fine." Bakugou made a 'tsk' sound before looking at the greenette from the glassed wall one last time before grasping on the strap of his backpack

Soon after the other three students walked out of the station leaving the pros with thoughts running in their heads.

"I'm really starting to think that, he's a victim of that drug." Midnight said making the others look at her..

It wasn't that too long after Nezu recieved a call from ryuku.


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