Fourty-Eight (48)

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"Why don't we just barge the fuck in and skin their face with a pair of scissors?" Katsuki said with impatience lacing with his voice.

Iida sighed. "If we do that, we might trigger the villains and kill Midoriya-kun before we could even take a step to their doorstep."

"Iida is right. If we're gonna do this, might as well think it all through. The slightest mistake can lead us to danger. It's like passing through the line of death, ourselves." Momo spoke up. She came with a conclusion that the villains had heard about the rally that happened not so long ago. It's not that hard to guess that the villains are full on guard. They need to be careful as possible.

One wrong move, pool of blood will overflow from it's bucket.

"So. Let's st--" Tokoyami was cut off when Iida's phone rang. All attention went to Iida who answered the phone call without hesitation.

"Yes, sensei?" Iida answered. The students around him had their eyebrows slightly raised.

'Sensei?' They all thought to themselves. They observed Iida's reaction.

Iida had a confused look on his face. After hearing the 3 toots indicating that the phone call was cut off, he was snapped back to his thoughts.

"The heroes asked for us." Iida said making the others confused also.

"Why?" Todoroki asked.

Iida shrugged saying that he doesn't know too. "Well? Let's not make them wait." Shouji said earning a firm nod from the others.

They started walking in silence, it's currently 12:43 in the morning that's why it's pretty dark right now.

(I forgot what time i had from the last chapter, so let's just say that Aizawa intruiged the fake carbon copy 11:32 in the evening.)

"What do you think they need us for?" Mina asked Jirou whose on her side.

"I dunno. But i hope that they'll let us help them with their mission to save green angel." Jirou plainly said.

They arrived shortly at the office. Iida knocked in first-- of course showing manners is a must. They heard a small voice saying 'come in' and so they did.

All of them entered the room 2 person at a time. Shortly enough they all are isnide the room and the door was closed by Koda who came in last with Sato.

"You called old peeps?" Katsuki asked bluntly. He's pissed off, considering the fact that their plan to save Izuku was interrupted.

"I'm not even in the mood to correct your manners right now. So have it your way. I am too tired to deal with your shits." Iida said having enough chaos and vulgar talks for the day.

"THE FUCK YOU TOLD ME FOUR BLIND EYES?!" Katsuki shouted in annoyance while blasting small sparks from his palm.

"Enough. If you want to save that precious emerald of yours, listen close and we will not repeat what we had just said." Aizawa told the students who had their eyes wide with a few glint of excitement and relief.

Aizawa is still against of the thought of letting the kids go in the mission with them. But it seems like these kids laugh in the face of danger. Unhinge af.

Katsuki was speechless but then smirked.
"Even if you didn't let me, i'll still barge in that damn hide out and save deku. 'Ya know that right? Old shit?" Katsuki said with a small evil smile on his lips.

Aizawa's lip twitched upwards. "Of course i know that problem child. That's why, instead of ruining the plan we'll just include you kids." He said eyeing the students one by one.

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