Chapter 56

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"Put me down." Seokjin announced, wiping a stray tear off his cheek. "Put me down Namjoon." He added rather angrily, squirming in the others hold. Namjoon placed him on his feet once they were in the living room, his eyes hard just like the Omega's.

Not a single word had been said once they left the restaurant. Namjoon had buckled him in a seat and angrily drove home, while Seokjin sobbed quietly in the passengers side. He couldn't believe what had just happened, and he spent the drive wondering if Hoseok was alright.

He grabbed at his locks as another tear left him. "What did you do Namjoon, what was that?" He asked facing the still agitated alpha, who furrowed his eye brows like that was the most ridiculous question he had ever heard. "What did I do?" He asked in an incredulous tone.

"Hoseok took you from home, you were suppose to be resting, and he waltzed in hear and just what?"

"I wanted to go with him, I chose to."

"Really Jin, your pregnant, your on bed rest and you just go out like its nothing?" Namjoon shouted, his anger resurfacing once more.

"Just because am on bed rest doesn't mean I can't move and you know that, am not a prisoner in this home. And don't talk to me like I was putting myself and the baby in danger, I know my limits." He seethed mirroring the others actions. He couldn't understand where all this was coming from.

Namjoon laughed humorlessly, his fingers balling up into fists. "Of course you do know what your doing, letting him touch you."

Seokjin narrowed his eyes at the other, "what are you talking about?"

"Oh, now you don't know. HOW YOU LET HIM HUG YOU, KISS YOU." Namjoon thundered, getting closer and  scaring the other, his pheromones were flaring, slightly choking the omega.

What really was he trying to insinuate here. Of course Hoseok hugged him, and kissed his cheeks often, he was his best friend, and they never shied away from affection ever since they found out they were roommates in college. And Namjoon. . . the alpha had never had a problem with it, he was possessive yes, but never once had he made a fuss about how Hoseok and him were close, because they both knew it was harmless.




Namjoon's words were cut short as his face flew to the side, a loud slap echoing in the room. His cheeks stung, and his ear rung with more than just the noise. A reminder of how far he was going with his words.

The omega stood with a blank face as Namjoon turned slowly to meet his gaze. Their eyes had shifted colours, both probably out of anger, although Namjoon was going crazy on the inside. The animal in him was threatening to take over him. He had just been hit by an omega.

Circumstances didn't matter, being hit by an omega was the ultimate belittling of an alpha. It was disrespectful, and one would lash out furiously, unaware the extent, or the damage they could cause their surroundings.

Namjoon red orbs met Jin in a silent question. The omega who was equally angry, his nostrils flared and his cheeks a deep hue. Although his eyes showed the hurt in them, endless tears threatening to fall. That didn't stop Namjoon from growling low in his throat, his instincts as an alpha was getting over him, and he kept a glare to remind the omega of his place.

He should have known Seokjin wasn't going to back down.

"You have some nerve accusing me of cheating on you after what you did." Seokjin said closer to the other's face. The alpha seemed to have forgotten why they were like this to begin with. He truly had some big balls opening his mouth to speak such things.

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