Chapter 29

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When Seokjin woke next the sun was way up already, almost noon, he blinked in the bright lighting of the room trying to adjust to his surroundings. The memories of yesterday came flooding in his mind, and his cheeks heated just from thinking about it. He was sure his throat was sore from all the screaming he had done, probably lost his voice too.

He made to move when he realized he was still locked between the alpha's arms securely. He didn't want to move too quickly to wake Namjoon or to hurt his sore bottoms, but he had to move nonetheless, he was hungry. They didn't get a chance to have dinner the previous night.

"Where are you going." Namjoon asked in a deep groggy voice pulling the omega back to him as he attempted to leave the bed.
"To make breakfast.....or lunch, aren't you hungry?" Namjoon just nuzzled his face in the others neck kissing on the mark ever so lightly.

"Am hungry for you." Namjoon said his hands roaming the others body. Seokjin shifted, gasping softly as Namjoon's hands found his length.
"NghHh, joon-ah...." Seokjin tried escaping the alpha, but he was obviously stronger, and he could feel the alpha's erection pressing on his ass, that meant no way out. He gasped when Namjoon started stroking him, they were still naked under the sheets from last night and it made it easy to get handsy. Seokjin couldn't help himself as he started to buck his hips slightly, pushing into the others hand. They were still in a spooning position, and he turned his head to kiss Namjoon, who kissed him back with the same passion.

He felt Namjoon part his cheeks when they pulled from the kiss, he was still stretched from last night, and he moaned softly when the alpha smoothly entered him. God he could never get used to that. His long length and how it brought him on edge by just entering him. He moaned when Namjoon started thrusting inside him, his hand holding him on the hip, pushing him back and forth on the alpha member. Seokjin's own hand flew to hold the the back of Namjoon's neck, turning his head so they could share kisses while the alpha fucked him. He gasped on his lips when he hit that spot, the alpha going faster with each second.

Namjoon growled, rolling the omega onto his stomach and getting over him. He pulled the Omega's hips up, entering him once more and pounding into him hard. Namjoon watched as his length moved in and out of the omega so smoothly. It riled him how lewd it looked, how the omega would clench around him every time he tried to move out, how his hole stretched to with every move of his member. He growled again leaning to kiss the Omega's neck, his mark, down to his shoulders, and his beautiful bare back. He bit all over, sucking on the skin and littering him with hickeys, the omega was his now, only him.

He parted the Omega's cheeks, going even deeper with each thrust. The slapping of skin and their mixed noises was the only thing that could be heard in the room. He wrapped his hands around the omega neglected length while he rammed into his prostrate. Seokjin cried out, throwing his head back from the sheets and released into the alpha's hand.

Namjoon went for a few more minutes, careful with each thrust, his chiseled chest moving with each stroke until he emptied inside the omega. He fell on top of him, mindful to keep his weight on his arms.
"Maybe a shower then we could have that breakfast." He suggested, kissing Seokjin on his back. The omega agreed, allowing himself to be carried to the bathroom. Namjoon quickly cleaned them in the shower, taking good care of the Omega's soreness.

"Was I too rough." Namjoon inquired as he dried the other with a towel, he didn't think he was too rough, his alpha's full potential had not been unleashed despite how crazy the omega drove him, he didn't want to hurt the omega with his strength. He tried all he could to be careful.

"No it was perfect." Seokjin smiled limping a little. Namjoon raised an amused brow at that, and the omega jokingly chopped him on the neck before putting on the sweat shirt he picked along with some boxers. He moved back into the room, the alpha following close behind him.
"Will you change the sheets?"

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