Chapter 28

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"Thank you Julia." Namjoon said as he took the towels from her, handing one to Seokjin as they entered the house. They were dripping wet, clothes damp from the rain. It started falling just as they got back, and by the time they reached home they were soaking, but it was definitely worth it though. They both agreed they needed to do that again.

"Also could you make that special tea of yours so we don't get sick?" Namjoon asked and Julia nodded immediately. Namjoon had decided to hire her permanently alongside hyusa, another house keeper to help around.

Julia rushed away after informing them that dinner was almost ready.
"Now I need to take a shower again." Seokjin grumbled as they walked up the stairs, only to yelp when a small slap landed on his bottom. He turned to see the alpha smirking as he walked behind him. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He said in the most unapologetic tone ever when the blushing omega turned to look at him.

It was true he couldn't resist the site of the Omega's ass in his tight damp trousers, the cloth stuck to his skin, perfectly showing his round ass and he found himself spanking it, but he was definitely not sorry, not after the Omega's ass did a little jiggle. It was satisfying to watch.

"You want to watch a movie before dinner?" Namjoon asked as they entered their room. Seokjin hummed moving to wash up. "Sure, I'll be out in a few." He said as he disappeared into the bathroom. Namjoon pitched him some choices, from romance, to actions to whatever genre he would like, and he replied back as he stood under the spray.

His mind kept replaying how Namjoon had professed his love for him, how beautiful his words were, and how sincere his eyes looked. It was amazing how contended and how at peace his wolf felt. This sense of longing and assurance washed over him when Namjoon asked him to be his.

He wanted to be Namjoon's too, he wanted to belong to him by a bond, to be merged forever. He wanted Namjoon to mark him. His cheeks heated up at the thought of that, a bond was mostly effective if it was made out of love, and most of those times would me sex or this case if they made love. Of course he wanted Namjoon to make love to him. He wanted it badly. To feel his hands on him, is mouth tracing the secret parts of him, tasting him. He wanted the alpha inside of him, to take him to heights of pleasure that he had not felt before.

A gasp left his parted lips as he thought about the things he wanted to do to him, his cork was hard and his hole was wet this slick. He walked out the shower putting on a red robe before walking back into the room with his lower parts aching in need.

Namjoon was seated on the bed, choosing a movie to watch.
"How about horror, do you like those, maybe this series isn't bad." Namjoon stopped to look at him. He was turned to the mirror, a little scared to face the alpha with what he was about to do. He knew Namjoon didn't want to hurt him, but it was time, it was now and their was no turning back from it.

Slowly he untied the robe from him, letting it off the curves of his body so slowly and sensually, like a strip tease but with less vigour. He let it pool to his feet leaving him completely bare to Namjoon. He looked through the mirror from where he stood to the alpha who was sat on the bed. "You still want to watch that movie." He asked, his voice a little wavery. He shivered under the temperature of the room, but also under the stare of the alpha, his gaze was serious.

Namjoon stood walking to the other side to stand behind the omega. "Its not your heat yet." He said sure of himself. "Its not." The omega confirmed it, sucking in a breath as Namjoon pressed himself to him. The alpha was only in his low riding sweat pants and the Omega's eyes shifted to emerald just by a mere rub of their skin together. It sent electricity to his core, his cock already twitching.

"Then you simply can't test me like this, I have a lot of control but am only a man at the end of the day." He breathed under the Omega's ear, finally placing hands to his waist.
"Then take me....please." Seokjin said enjoying the slow movement of hands on his hips. His eyes met Namjoon in the mirror again as they turned red. His control was no more, instead they gleamed with lust and desire similar to Seokjin's emerald ones.

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