Chapter 11

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"Your a natural you know." Namjoon muttered to Seokjin as the stood next to each other in a line serving the kids lunch.
The first half of the day was over, and they had offered to serve the kids then, their presents before leaving.


"With the kids, your really good with them." He added trying to strike a conversation with the omega. Seokjin had been awfully quiet, not with the kids, just maybe him, he wasn't sure if that was in his head, either way he wanted the omega to talk to him.

The omega flashed a small smile, "Its nothing really, I guess I have been around the twins a lot."

Namjoon liked the sound of that, the omega was gentle with the kids, he looked happy around them, like it was the most natural thing to do in the world. He he thought that was courageous, because himself he wasn't the best around kids, they were just so delicate, and that went against his nature.

"That was very brave, what you did back there, with the kid." Namjoon muttered referring to an incident earlier, a revelation for some.

"Sometimes all we need is a little pat in the back you know, to keep going, I was once there I wanted someone to remind me I wasn't alone." He said back.

Let's just say all eyes were on Seokjin since now.

Earlier before lunch, two kids from the group him and Namjoon shared caught his attention, they weren't moving or rotating to other groups like the other kids. They stood at the back, the smaller one with eyes glued to the ground, his hand never leaving the older's. The other kids seemed to avoid them, some giving them pitiful looks, others just didn't care.
So he inquired with solar, and he was informed, the two were new, lost both parents in a night. The older was sixteen an alpha, his younger brother only thirteen, presented as a male omega the night before. True to god Seokjin had caught the wind of the smaller scent, strong and inviting just like his when he first presented.

The alpha brother wouldn't let him go, and glared at the every person who dared as much looking their direction, including Seokjin. He could tell the young omega was clearly crying, not fully understanding everything, added to their misfortunes.

His heart broke for them, it must have been hell to be that overwhelmed with emotions for a newly presented omega, and male one at that. He could see himself breaking down if something a such happened to him. He was lucky to have had his family and their love and support when it was time, and the two boys reminded him a lot of how inseparable yoongi and him were back then.

So Seokjin had taken it upon himself to try and comfort them, he even went as far as wiping out his concealers to prove to the smaller he was just the same, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with him.
He smiled at the memory of their shocked faces, (everyone was shocked). Chan and Felix were their names, and Seokjin was happy to have made a change in their lives.

It didn't take long for the others to find out his status, Hoseok just sighed, he already knew, kihyun and Irene looked like he had a lot of questions while Wendy and Chung ha just shrugged it off.

He was happy to see the other kids a little kinder and forthcoming, and Chan a little relenting, he still had his hands protectively around his brother but that was a start right?"

"I think I'd be just as protective as his brother." Namjoon said, as the two brothers served, the young omega finally able to smile at Seokjin.

"My brother was the same way, he fought all my battles, ones I didn't even know I had, he was just as protective, a little hot headed too."

"Well at least you were safe."

"Oh no.....he got in so much trouble, we got beat everyday, he wanted to give a beating to anyone who eyed me weirdly, we had to change schools every time." He finished with a laugh recalling, yoongi's extreme possessive days. They were only teens still not able to control their wolf.

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