Chapter 27

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"What I am about to show, you cannot speak to anyone about, you cannot mention its existence or even acknowledge you know anything about it. Am about to blow you your mind Jin."

"Literally?" Seokjin asked raising a brow.


"Well your talking as if you have some secret bunker and a secret weap-"

"Babe, that's not just really excited to show this, i hope you like it." Namjoon said smiling, he looked like a little kid.

"You'll be damned if I didn't, you made promise three times, get on with it." Seokjin sassed placing his hands on his hips. They were out back in front of the shade. Both dressed casually for whatever surprise Namjoon had in mind. Seokjin was clad in leather trousers, a big white and black stripped shirt hang loosely on him, partially tucked in his tight trouser, the cloth revealing his collarbone, and his neck, where a black choker laid, also where a huge love bite rested, it stood proudly on the skin of neck, an angry red, a contrast to his milky skin, but also a physical reminder to anyone who would dare come close to the omega. If Namjoon would even let them in the first place.

Namjoon had sucked it on his neck as soon as he got dressed, growling possessively and marking what was his, Seokjin had no problem with it, it left him giddy on the insides, tingling.

Then they came out to leave, but Namjoon held them, and made him swear countless times on nothing. Dramatic much.

"I present to you the- "
"Joon-ah I love you, but if you say anything else unrelated am gonna go back inside and take a nap." Seokjin said. He couldn't believe this was a whole CEO of a company. It was already afternoon, and when he didn't know if they were in any hurry, he didn't want to be standing anymore doing nothing.

Namjoon chuckled at the other's impatience, he moved forward cradling the Omega's and kissing him.
"Am sorry, don't be mad love. Let's go." He said tugging the omega along into the shade where different tarps covered Namjoon's collection of cars. Seokjin had been in here before, but only briefly, when Namjoon gave him a small tour of the house. He didn't share a strong passion for automobiles with Namjoon but he respected it. It was something good to be knowledgeable about.

Namjoon walked them to the far end coming to a stop at a small looking tarp. Is that....
Namjoon pulled the tarp revealing a classic black enduro motorcycle. Even in the dim lights it shone through, a real beauty. A smile stretched on the Omega's face before looking at Namjoon and realising that was their ride .

"You know how to ride this?" He asked amazed.
Namjoon just shrugged, throwing the tarp away and taking out his keys.
"You? Do you know how to ride."
Namjoon asked, a hint of amusement in his voice, he smirked as the omega caught on and blushed.

"Well, I have never tried, maybe I am." Seokjin replied trying to be smug, but failed as a blushed coated his cheeks.
"I've had it for a while now, its beautiful right." Seokjin nodded along equally stunned at the leather that coated the sitting area, it looked expensive, and knowing Namjoon, he probably went all out to get the best one.

"I wanted to take you out on a ride on it...... unless you don't want to."
"Oh how could I not." Seokjin replied, adjusting the strap of the cute monkey bag he had on his back. He went ahead and opened the garage door as Namjoon carefully moved the motorcycle.

Namjoon handed him a black helmet, while the alpha himself put on dark shades, before putting on the helmet. If cool was a word it would definitely be Namjoon now. He was in black jeans, a black turtle neck and a black leather jacket. He smirked as the omega eyed him again, biting his lip seductively.

(Accurate) THE CEO'S OMEGA. Namjin.Where stories live. Discover now