Chapter 31

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"You haven't changed one bit since I last saw you." "I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing." Seulgi replied as they settled down in a high end restaurant she had picked out for them. She flattened her palms on the table flashing his multiple coloured nails. One colour matching her lipstick. Red.
"Its definitely a good thing, you look young as always, like you've barely aged a second for the past five years." Namjoon praised further, always his sweet self whenever he talked to clients. Except seulgi was not just any client, she was an old friend, one from the prestigious college he was in. Now taking over his father's multi billion company alongside his brother. They were wealthy people, and Namjoon needed just that for the upcoming project. The past was the past.

"I see your still your flirty self Namjoon, thank you, though you look different." She stated tilting her head. "I do?" "Yeah, I see you've gotten more fit, and more.....more sexy." She said trying to gesture with her face. "I don't know something is just different about you."

"I guess after years it gets difficult to pinpoint." "If only you would try to reach out, it wouldn't be so much trouble." She said in a light tone with a smile. "I wanted to, even this projects? I wanted to pitch them to you and your brother earlier, but you seemed busy. Every news I got about you was about work further away from home than the last-

"Oh come on since when has distance ever deterred us." From her tone alone Namjoon knew she meant more than just work. Distance wasn't a problem for them back then when it was all pleasure. It shouldn't have been now when it was work. "Your right. I should have reached out when I can. I guess I have been busy too." Namjoon conceded not wanting to dispute, or point out that she could have reached out too.

"I can tell, your taking Korea by storm I see all these awards your claiming. You might get throne if you keep it up." Her tone was genuine with encouragement, she was a fellow business person, so she knew Namjoon was destined for something big.

"The throne doesn't matter to me any more, success I just enough." She narrowed her eyes at the alpha after his sentence. A lot was definitely different with Namjoon. If she recalled clearly the throne was important to both of them back then. Two kids eager to succeed their families, eager to show the world something better, something different. They collided like two similar stones, same goals, same targets but different mindsets. One knew how to draw a line, when to stop and quit, and when to keep going. The other clueless about defeat. Seulgi didn't know what it meant to give up, or let go. If she wanted something she was going to get it. So she gave Namjoon an incredulous look. "Why not?"

Namjoon just sighed smiling softly at her. "They is just some other things I want more in life than that now. It isn't as pleasing to imagine it as it was back then, its fine if I get it, and its also fine if I don't." He wanted to tell her things that made him happy than his company. Things like being in love with seokjin, mating with him, and possibly having a family with him. He wanted to tell her that that was the throne he was fighting for now, and nothing else mattered. But he knew her well, and he knew she wouldn't see it the way he did.

"You really are someone else Kim." She stated picking her chopsticks to eat. The alpha did the same. Pitching him his intentions as they ate. He didn't have any documents on him, just his brain. He liked to do that on first meetings, his knowledge of whatever he was trying to sell was important, and he showed that free of papers. It always got people intrigued on his intelligence. How well he could use only his words to get someone in the box.

Lunch lasted a while, different conversions towards business, and the goals they planned to achieve by the end of it. They were seated upstairs next to a large window, so comfort was not a problem. "It sounds really good Namjoon, that brain of yours never ceases to amaze me. I like it."

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