Chapter 53

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Put me down.

I have legs you know.

I can walk just fine.

Those weren't the playful remarks Namjoon was getting as he carried his omega into their house. The omega wasn't peppering his face with kisses, and he definitely wasn't trying to get it on with him. On the contrary Seokjin had his face buried in his neck, his breath tickling the alpha; which on other occasions would excite Namjoon, not this.

Today seokjin was calm in his arms, hands around the alpha's neck, face hidden as Namjoon carried bridal style. Usually seokjin would be bubbly, squirming around for the alpha to let him go, then making out with him the next second. Today he was silent, a lot like he had been in the hospital, and the car ride home.

He didn't even put up a fight when Namjoon announced that he would be taking him back to their home. He only nodded, not like he had a choice to begin with. His priorities now lied with the baby. He would do anything if it meant the baby would be safe, and if that meant mending his ways with Namjoon he was going to do it.

Now they were trailing up the stairs in silence, except for the occasional greeting and bowing of the helpers, which Seokjin ignored. He missed the feel of this house, the smell of lavender from the surfaces, and the comfort nature it had with it. He breathed deeply as Namjoon opened the door to their room, raising his head slightly to look at the surrounding.

The place was spotless, every thing dusted to the latter, the curtains drawn the way he liked, and the bed spread just like he wanted it to be. The room smelt mostly of Namjoon, which comforted him to no end. It was familiar, and it put his restless wolf in a bit of slumber, marveled at being reunited with the alpha, even if the fragments of the recent past still stuck with them.

Namjoon gently placed him on the couch, his hands staying around the other's waist. "Is there anything specific you would like for breakfast." Namjoon asked gently. Seokjin could tell the alpha's eyes were searching his, but he glued them to his lap instead. He wasn't shy, he just didn't have the strength to look into the alpha's orbs and talk to him like everything was fine between them. He didn't think Namjoon wanted him to pretend either.

"Not really, but we could try something on the list." Seokjin answered, his hands rubbing at his arms. The doctor had given them a list of do's and dont's. It included, good meal plans for his stage of pregnancy, he only hoped it would help. He had resolved to eat more after the doctors' orders. He wasn't going to push himself over the edge, but he was definitely going to try much harder to get more than a single toast as breakfast.

"Ok, I'll prepare you a bath first, then we can have breakfast, yeah?" Namjoon said waiting for a reply, seokjin only nodded, curling in on himself. The room was cool, a nice temperature for a nap. And he wanted nothing more than to be buried deep in their comfy bed, and surround himself with tens of pillows.

Namjoon eyed him a moment, he wanted to ask more, just so he could hear the omega talk, or so he could look at him, but seokjin had avoided his eyes since, looking out the window on the silent drive from the hospital, and ultimately looking anywhere but him when they got home.

Namjoon only sighed softly, walking into the bathroom to prepare the other a bath, he didn't want the omega standing for long, or exposing himself to the risk of a shower accident, not that the tub was completely safe. The latter seemed less strenuous, so he chose it instead.

He bubbled the bath nicely, adding some relaxing oils before moving to the closet to pick the other a comfortable wear. "Let me help you." He said walking to the couch when Seokjin made to get up. "I can do it." Seokjin said getting up with ease.

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