Chapter 5

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Namjoon unknowingly drowned out the usual greetings from his employees and the respectful bows he was getting as he walked into his office. He did occasionally offer bow, flashing a quick smile to others, but was otherwise distracted with his raging thoughts of a certain omega, and his slight headache from the lack of sleep.

"Wendy?" He called as he entered his office, the lady following behind him.
"Good morning to you too." She muttered back

"Hit me." He said as he plopped down on his chair. That was code for 'what's my schedule' and Wendy smiled knowingly, clearing her throat.

"Well, you have a meeting with the board in thirty minutes, another one with Kihyun and Irene before lunch, you also have a meeting with.... Jaebum at quarter to four, he said he'll let you know the venue."

Namjoon groaned at that, Jaebum and him weren't the best of friends, scratch that, they weren't friends at all. They only reason they did business was because there fathers founded the relationship between them, their companies fed off each other, so they had to, but other than that they had nothing in common at all, Namjoon found the man too uptight, he had no room for anything, wouldn't comprise and always wanted things his way.

Wendy knew all about it, and she found it more amusing than anything.

"Is that all?

"Yeah that's all boss."

"Ok thank you then." She made to leave when the other stopped her.

"Is Seokjin in already?" He questioned, his face calm, hands already typing away. He wanted to ask more, if the chief marketer was alright, if he'd said anything regarding him at all, looked for him or anything of the sorts, but he held back, careful to not give anything away. 

"He is, but he's not in his office." He raised a brow at that looking up at her. He could feel his heart beating loudly in the confines of his chest. Had he left because of him? Was he hiding down there, running from him?

"And where might he be?"

"Floor 12"

"Sales? What is he doing down there?"

"Am not sure, but I can call in and check, I can call him in too if you wish." He thought of it a second, Seokjin didn't have to attend to sales for another week. He was either too punctual, or was subtly avoiding him.

"No, that won't be necessary, just let me know when he comes in."

"Yes sir." She left right after, the alpha going back to his work.

Lunch hour rolled in soon, and Wendy came in again to inform him that Jaebum set their meeting in a restaurant down town, and that Seokjin was back from break and now in his office. He sent for him.

A mop of black hair appeared by the door away, wide intrigued eyes confusedly searching into the office before the omega brought in the rest of him. Namjoon took in the outfit he was wearing, noting how small he looked in his blue sweater, he would say cute if it didn't sound so informal.

"Sir, You called?"

Namjoon motioned him to the seat on the other side of the desk, the same one the omega had ran from the previous day. He willed himself to breath, holding back from replaying that incident in his head.

"I found out you moved to sales already, that first huh?"

"Just getting myself acquainted seeing as I will be working regularly with them, and it went absolutely smooth you shouldn't worry about a thing."

"That's good to hear, but I called for something different." He muttered, internally gauging the others reaction, but at the same time trying to stay as composed as possible. He noticed how the omega shifted in his seat, gulping and avoiding eye contact, so he decided to explain before things got weird.

(Accurate) THE CEO'S OMEGA. Namjin.Where stories live. Discover now