Chapter 32

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You know that feeling when your angry or hurt and you don't want to show it in any way so instead you just have a clog of emotions up your throat that are chocking you? And you can't do anything about it or you'll end up crying? Namjoon could tell Seokjin was feeling that way at the moment. He could see how his eyes glistened with tears every few seconds, never falling, but still there nonetheless. His jaw was clenched, and his fists were balled up on his lap where he sat in the car.

It was rather quite between them, at least no human sound was heard as Namjoon drove home. The alpha had tried earlier when they left the mall, but the omega had shut him down with a simple; "At home." That's all he said, and since Namjoon didn't want to be on a much worse side of him than he already was, he didn't argue. Instead he kept his eyes focused on the road, and his senses on the omega. He could tell he was really hurt from earlier, and the only way he could fix it was to talk to him.

When they got home, Seokjin scrambled out of the vehicle with a the few bags he could carry. Slamming the door on his way out.

"Jin, can we talk?"

"Julia, can you help me with the bags please." He said in a rather sweet tone to the lady who scurried away with a smile. He completely ignored Namjoon, going up the stares like a pair of eyes weren't on his back.

Namjoon followed him upstairs, he timed when the omega put the bags down before spinning him around and bringing him to his arms. "Baby please, can we please talk?" He pleaded with his eyes and his voice hoping the omega would listen.

"Who was that Namjoon." Seokjin questioned, wiggling out of his grasp and taking a step back. He crossed his arms over his chest, letting the alpha know this wasn't going to be easy.

"That was Joy." "I already know that Namjoon, was she like an ex girlfriend or something?" Seokjin asked, the jealously in his tone unconcealed.  Namjoon sighed "Can we sit down."
"We can talk standing."

"Please." Namjoon begged, the omega rolling his eyes but sitting after, in the couch in their room. "Joy and I were not in a relationship, not that kind. We had more of an arrangement type of thing." Seokjin just raised an eyebrow probably a 'what kind of arrangement' eyebrow, although it did settle him a little to know the two were not in a relationship.

"We had a sex arrangement type of relation, never together. Just helping each other relieve themselves whenever the other was in need." He watched the others expressions catching one his silent questions. "I have had a couple of such arrangements, we never get attached, just fuck and go. Of course a few rules are laid here and there but that's about it. Joy and I had that for a while."

Seokjin felt tears prickling at his eyes, he let them flow freely listening to Namjoon. That choke of emotions finally letting go of him. It wasn't like he was in Namjoon's life back then, or he could satisfy Namjoon sexually back when they met. It still stung a little though, to think he had done all those things with different people.

"When is the last time you were together?" Seokjin asked in a shaky voice, a tear slipping off his face. Namjoon wiped it before taking the Omega's hands in his. What he was about to say would cause a lot of problems for them. "That first day we danced at that restaurant. I realized I was falling in love with you, something I had never felt before, so I went to her that night, then again and again, until I couldn't go anymore, and I couldn't deny it anymore. The weeks after the orphanage I stopped. Completely. Am sorry Jin."

The omega just nodded slowly while Namjoon run a his thumbs on his cheeks to wipe his tears. "So why didn't you stop Joy when we got together."

"I guess it just slipped my mind. When you and I got together nothing mattered to me anymore, you were my only priority then and now. I love you Jin, more than anything."

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