Chapter 6

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Namjoon saw red as the alpha on the other side of the table stared him down. He balled his fists up ready to flip the table over and beat the shit out of Jaebum.

He understood the other's concept of class, and that's why he dealt with him alone, but that didn't mean, he had the right to insult the Omega like he did. A sense of regret flooded through him immediately for having brought the omega to this, but then again this wasn't the time or place for any of the emotions he felt now. God he didn't even have whores. In fact it made him wonder where Jaebum always got such ideas from, or if  perhaps he just did it to spite him, annoy him, or anything if the sort.

Wearing a smirk, he extended his hand out to Seokjin, the omega timidly and confusedly taking what he was offering.

"Unlike you Jaebum, I don't sleep with my employees, this right here is Kim Seokjin, my chief marketing officer, we simply came for a meeting, one you asked for. Professionalism. Your lacking that of late, you know. Now, I suggest you apologize to him right now, or we are not having this meeting."

Seokjin had his eyes out wide, half worried because the blond before seemed to be boiling in anger.

"Fine. I am sorry Kim Seijik, I didn't mean to call you a whore." He stressed the wrong name intentionally, still trying to anger the other.

"Its Seokjin, if you please, and can we begin already." He huffed already tired Jaebum, he could see what Namjoon had been talking about.

They pulled up their chairs, and for the rest of the afternoon got to work. Right into it Namjoon knew he had chosen correctly, he knew Seokjin was best suited for the job because he was left wowed, astonished, even more proud by the admiring, slightly envious look on Jaebum's face.

"If you accept twenty five percent, you don't only get a discount on the products, you get a guaranteed ready market too, profits at its highest and consumers at their fullest. But that's the farthest we could go, if we raise any higher, your stepping on us. Deal or no deal?" Seokjin conclude his presentation after a while, heaving in a breath before reaching for a glass of water, confusedly looking between the two CEO'S when they just stared at him.

He had never seen Namjoon smile so wide, looking so proud and happy? "Look Jae, that's as far as it goes, we can't off-"

"Deal." The blond muttered eyes never leaving the omega.

Never in his life had Namjoon ever seen the other accept anything so fast, he always had something to say, and as he looked at him, he felt that previous anger rise back to his throat as Jaebum raked his eyes over the seated omega, licking his lips too at the sight of a clueless Seokjin.

"Maybe I chose wrong this time, your clearly of potential, it wouldn't be so bad if I stole you would it?" The blond asked, eyes gleaming intensely, borderline lustful.

"Well if that's all, we'll be on our way. It wasn't a pleasure to see you as always." Namjoon interrupted.

"Glad to see its still mutual." Jaebum replied, not at all bothered as he smugly continued on with his glass of wine.

Walking out of the restaurant, Namjoon was suddenly tackled into a hug as they stepped outside, the omega squealing at what just happened. "Holy crap, he actually accepted, can you believe that?" He muttered as he pulled away only then realizing what he just did.

He immediately flashed red as Namjoon just stood there, scratching the back of his head guilty, internally scolding himself for throwing himself at his boss. "Sorry..." He squeaked, stepping back. "I just.... am really excited." He offered, narrowing his eyes when he noticed the tips of the others ears red "Are you blushing?" He muttered not able to believe his eyes.

(Accurate) THE CEO'S OMEGA. Namjin.Where stories live. Discover now