Chapter 10

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""Move your legs, your taking all the space."

" Don't fucking touch my legs, you move one more time and I swear on your fucking grave Hoseok, am throwing you out."

"Am not even dead yet you hippie."

"You'll be dead alright."

That argument had been going on for at least twenty minutes now. They were visiting the orphanage today, and as always Namjoon had brought the van for transport.

Chung Ha sat in the passengers seat with the driver, she always called shotgun. Wendy sat on the far end, then kihyun, the Irene and hoseok by the door, the back seats were used for the boxes, and the gifts that couldn't fit in Namjoon's car, the space was honestly enough for them, but Irene and hoseok couldn't seem to agree.

They were delaying the whole crew, arguing back and forth, hoseok thought her legs took too much space, while she thought hoseok was trying to grab what belonged to her.

"Why can't one of you just seat in the back then." Namjoon proposed, he was standing out in the midday sun with a smiling Seokjin, trying to break those two apart.

"Jin hasn't even sat yet, and your both fighting." Chung ha said sticking her head out.

The mentioned omega didn't look worried at all, maybe because a certain CEO had mentioned riding with him.

"Seokjin is gonna ride with me, no need to worry."

The five of them looked at each other then the two guys standing out the van.
"You never let us ride with you." Hoseok voiced.

"Well there isn't enough space now that Seokjin is around, its only logical."

"Oh yeah? why didn't you take Wendy then, she's your assistant." Kihyun teased, he knew what's up.

"Oh I could still do that, or.... I could take Irene, she's closer to the door." Namjoon teased back, he knew what was up too, and he smirked as kihyun's smile fell, and Irene glared at him. Seokjin stifled a laugh at that, the two lovers weren't as discreet as they thought they were, and Namjoon had caught on easily.

"You know if you take Irene and replace her with Seokjin that wouldn't be so bad, we would be short of one problem, and get more space too." Hoseok said

"Heeey." Irene slapped him upside the head, the beta pouting after wards.

The lady relented, moving closer to her lover, hoseok finally getting in comfortably.
"Seriously though, did the van get smaller or did we all add weight." Hoseok said.

"Am pretty sure the former is impossible, so...." Namjoon trailed off.

"Are you guys calling us fat." Wendy said for the first time, Irene immediately agreeing with her, both dangerously glaring at the boys.

Namjoon grabbed the handle, quickly shutting the van. He didn't want to start another battle. He knocked on the side to signal the driver.
"Have a nice ride kids." He shouted earning grumbles from the inside.

"Let's go." He said to Seokjin, the two walking to the double cabin truck Namjoon had chosen instead, while the guys back in the van, made bets on their relationship.

"I know we said kid friendly outfit but you are gonna look a lot like the kids." Namjoon said. He found the Omega's outfit cute.
When everyone opted for the T-shirt hoseok designed and a pair of jeans and blazers, Seokjin chose a pair of black jean overalls and the t-shirt instead, he paired it with nice rubbers.

He had let his sister play on his hair the night before with dye, and it had come out purple and another colour, but it looked nice anyway, he finished his look with round glasses that covered half his face.

(Accurate) THE CEO'S OMEGA. Namjin.Where stories live. Discover now