Chapter 17

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"You got a delivery."

"This early?" Seokjin questioned as he walked down the stairs, he was running late again, but he didn't feel bad about this one. If he hadn't stayed up late working yesterday, he would still be fighting with Namjoon, which means they wouldn't be together- ish.

He buttoned his coat as he came into the living room, looking around for what his father was talking about.


"Oh its these flowers." Mr Kim said extending the bouquet of red beautifully arranged roses, they were wrapped in a gold cover, a note by the side.

"For me?" He asked not sure that would be his. He took it, grabbing the note. A simple good morning was written in the middle, and he furrowed his eye brows, before it dawned on him who they might have been from.
He bit his lip to suppress a smile, his cheeks tinted in pink as he remembered Namjoon asking to woo him, guess he wasn't joking. He looked at the flowers, caressing the the soft red petals, admiring the richness in colour. He loved them.

His dad cleared his voice loudly "Who are they from." He questioned not missing the blush on the Omega's face.

"ummm, it's from a friend."

"Friends sending flowers in the morning, that's believable." His father teased, while the omega smiled knowing his father wouldn't let it die down.

"Come on, I'll drive you to the hospital." He said trying to change the topic.
"Your already late son, I can drive myself."
"A couple of more minutes wouldn't hurt, come on." He pressured wanting to spend more time with his old man.

"Only if you promise to tell me about this mystery guy." Mr Kim said as they left.

"Its not a mystery guy dad, I told you its just a friend."

"Do I get to meet this friend then?" Seokjin chuckled. He was always happy with how his dad tried to be present for their love lives, or relationships, he played an active role in guidance.

"We'll see dad." He said while they pulled to the street. He didn't want to make any promises to anybody, even to himself, Namjoon and him were only starting to go out, whatever it was between them was still young, and bringing anyone to it, even family wasn't the best idea. They were still directionless, and he wanted only the two of them in it until that changed.

"Appa, has taehyung talked to you yet?"

Mr Kim sighed, the issue with Taehyung was still unsolved, and it stressed him to no need that his youngest son had basically ran from home.
"Yeah, he texts me every few days to check in, he says he's alright, and we shouldn't worry about him, he's going to school just fine and he's safe too. I wanted to meet him at school, but then I thought that is maybe his safe place now that he doesn't want to come home, I couldn't risk him running from there too, in case he doesn't want to talk to me still."

Seokjin sighed, at least taehyung was checking in with his dad. His own texts and calls went unanswered even Yoongi's. He couldn't really see the whole picture due to what the twins were hiding, and he feared the damage that would occur with the secrets that were starting to brew in their family.

"Don't worry dad, he'll come around, you know how teenagers are, I just hope he knows we are here to help him with whatever he's going through."

"Your mother made it seem so easy, she was on top of everything with you and Yoongi, she didn't miss a thing when you two were the twins age, I just wish I was the same, I wish I could get to them like she did with you guys, I feel blind when am with them, there's a lot of things I can't see that are in plain sight, and it makes me feel so bad, because I don't know what to do."

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