Chapter 2

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"Yes dad I'll be home by dinner... I think... I got gotta go, am already here, yes dad, fighting... I love you too bye." Seokjin muttered into the receiver, hating so much to cut his father short. The man was on a constant roller coaster, always wanting to be present and actively participate in his kids life activities, always trying to fill the gap his wife left in their lives, despite that being impossible.

Seokjin placed his phone back into his pocket, pulling out the necessities off the car and locking up, before walking into the building. He could feel his nerves starting to work him up, but he was sure the excitement he had could override anything.

He walked into an elevator and punched in the numbers, and when he got off the intended floor, it was just as busy as he remembered it. The light whispers could be heard in the air, the buzz of machinery and the constant movement filling up the place. Every one was occupied, and he wondered if maybe it was because the CEO sat on this floor, or because they were just work oriented like they  seemed to be. He didn't get to ponder on that thought as a woman came up to him, a smile etched on her face.

"Mr Kim?" She asked as she extended a hand to greet him. She was in a suit, an ID dangling on her chest, suspended from a blue fabric around her neck, it read Wendy. Seokjin instantly thought she was pretty, she couldn't smell any scent from her, and he didn't like to assume either, but he thought she might be a wolf, an Omega maybe.

"Yes that's me... Kim Seokjin nice to meet you"

"Pleasure is mine Mr Kim, I am Wendy, Namjoon's secretary." She uttered as she let go of his hand after shaking it.

Namjoon... ?? He almost wondered out loud, raising a brow at the secretary, words hanging just barely off his tongue.

Wendy seemed to have read his thoughts, and she let out a laugh, waving him off. "We call him that all the time, a little casual won't do any harm... " she leaned in, one hand on the side of her face like she wanted to conceal what she wanted to say next, like some secret of sort.
"... Only on this floor though." she finished, and a smile stretched on Seokjin's face, feeling free around her. He decided he liked her already.

"He's actually not here yet, but come on, I'll show you where to wait."
Just as he made to take a step, the elevators dinged the doors opening to reveal the CEO. Mr Kim came out, his briefcase in hand, coffee on the other. His pitch black hair was styled elegantly, his expensive, maroon suit fitting every corner of him. He had on an equally expensive watch, his shiny shoes matching the sparkle that was present in his eyes. He looked the part, looked a million worth of bucks too. Seokjin didn't know why but for a split second there he could feel himself holding his breath.

He thought the CEO smelled of timber and the raw and rare scent of Cocoa. It was rough scent, an Alpha's, and it made the Omega in his pre -suppressed heat shift on his feet, feeling this sense of restraint and denial washing over him.
Seokjin clawed the inside of his hand his other hand tightened on the sling of his bag on his shoulder, his knuckles drained of colour.

The CEO walked towards them and Seokjin worried that the light blush on his face would sell him out.
Get it together he chanted internally, trying to get his wolf to calm down. The Alpha finally made eye contact and smiled displaying a set of dimples that only made Seokjin's heart do a flip. "Kim Seokjin, good to see you again, I was hoping I'd get here before you, looks like your an early bird."

Seokjin chuckled as he met the Alpha's stretched hand, he was immediately met by electricity, it was only a second, but he felt it down to his core, and he looked down at their joined hands then back at the Alpha with furrowed eyebrows to see if he felt that too. He quickly realized otherwise when he was met with the warm smile instead.

(Accurate) THE CEO'S OMEGA. Namjin.Where stories live. Discover now