Chapter 22

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"Hold on a little longer, we're almost at the hospital." Namjoon said eyeing the omega in the passenger's seat, a blanket over him.
"I told you am fine Namjoon, they didn't do anything, just a few scratches."


"Please Namjoon, I just want to go home." Namjoon looked at him apprehensively, but he couldn't say no to the tears in his eyes.
"OK." He agreed half heartedly.
"Actually I can't go brother would scorch the world looking for those two if he heard about this."

"Then let's go home then." He omega furrowed his brows before realizing Namjoon meant his own house. They stayed silent, Namjoon angry at himself for so many reasons, while Seokjin..... Seokjin didn't know where to place himself in all this. He hated being the victim, he hated the aftermath of this too. He knew he was going to be a burden now to Namjoon, he wondered if the alpha would still want him the same after everything.

The smell of rotten or stale food hang thickly around him, he was angry at a lot of things too, and he felt a familiar clog up his throat, his eyes welled with tears and his body shook with a new feeling of fear. He bit his lips to stop his whimpers, but Namjoon saw it, unsure of how to approach the omega. He didn't want to scare him or neglect him. He wanted to take away his pain. Hold him in his arms and remind him that he was there, but he found that difficult after letting down the omega.

"We are here." Namjoon said, before exiting the vehicle. He went around opening the other door and bringing the omega to his arms. Seokjin held to his blanket tightly. He was cocooned, only his head seen as Namjoon carried him out of the driveway into the house. Seokjin had been to Namjoon's house before, and as much as he wanted to admire the huge space again, he couldn't, his mind was still occupied with a lot, his face still with dried with tears.

Namjoon sat him on the couch, getting on the ground in front of him.
"Do you want to shower first? What do you want to do." Namjoon asked lowly not to trigger anything. That thick fog of annoyance still hanged around the omega, and he tried to keep still despite it choking him.

"I'll shower if that's ok." He whispered.
"OK, I'll just carry you upstairs." He said picking the omega up again and walking upstairs. Namjoon handed him some clothes and Seokjin locked the bathroom hurriedly. He quickly showered, and put on the clothes, not wanting to be with his thoughts any longer. He knew it was inevitable. The only way to overcome this was through it. He had done it before. Hopefully it wouldn't be so hard.

He opened the door a few minutes later, Namjoon's hoody too large on him.
The alpha stood from the bed keeping a small distance between them. He wanted to hold the omega and just cuddle his worries away. Not able to resist, he moved forward hugging Seokjin and planting kisses to his head.
"You want to talk, or sleep? What do you want to do."

"I think we should rest it out tonight. I'll take the couch if its not too much trouble." Seokjin said, moving off the alpha's embrace, his eyes anywhere but the other.
"You can sleep here, or in any other room if you don't want me close, you don't have to sleep on the couch."

"The couch will do."


"Can I have a blanket please." He said ignoring the alpha. Namjoon sighed moving to an inner room before walking out with blankets and pillows. The omega was clearly angry at him and he didn't want to push it. He handed it to him, keeping a distance. Seokjin muttered a small thank you before walking back down stairs to the couch.

He took his phone texting his dad that he was working late and that he would spend the night at hoseok's place. After a couple of more texts he put his phone down sighing. Sleep would definitely not come easy, and if he slept a nightmare would be waiting.

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