Chapter 54

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""You brought the ones with pickles?"

"Yeah, you love pickles." Seokjin scrunched his nose in disgust at the sandwich in front of him before closing back the bag and flashing his dad a smile. "I'll just have the kimchi." He said pulling the other bag to him. Pregnancy had him choosy, disgusted at things he was used to, and happy at things he never craved before. Like Yoghurt, who would have thought. . .

He sat down at the dining table, opposite his dad, satisfied with the quality of kimchi in front of him. His father had offered a visit when Seokjin informed him of the news of his pregnancy. The omega had not given it up until his dad pried deeper and he let out a low 'you might get a grandchild soon.'

The man had offered to visit whenever Seokjin was free and the omega welcomed him right in, only if he brought treats. Or a whole ass meal like he did. Here they were now, chatting over lunch at Seokjin's house. "Oh, I talked to Yeri, and she said you weren't picking up her calls."

Seokjin stuffed his face at the mention of that, he had been avoiding the world of late, his family and friends. Afraid that he would break down if he heard their happy voices. The only reason his dad got to him is because he had called Namjoon, then he had no choices to receive the call when Namjoon handed it over. Safe to say he broke down after gifting his father the news and hearing the excitement in his voice. Maybe the pregnancy had him that sensitive, or maybe he just had that bubble of emotions ready to break.

"Oh really, I must have missed it, I'll reach out to her later." His father watched him intently as he lied. Seokjin didn't know if the man could tell or not, he only buried his face in his bowl hoping the other would drop the topic. He did, only humming instead.

"How is she by the way?" Seokjin asked for a change.

"She's doing fine. Busy, but fine."

"Her Major must be demanding huh?"

"It is, but you know her, she likes things like that." They both laughed at that before his dad pulled out his phone to show him something.

"I texted her this cat video yesterday and she replied..."

"Oh yeah, what did she say?" Seokjin asked intrigued.

"Well... She said. They are tots. Adorable, Istg am going to watch some now. C.Y.L. I.LY." Seokjin bit down a laugh as his father squinted his eyes at the screen, reading the shorten text per syllable. It must have been bothering him for long.

"You don't know what it means do you?" 

"Not really." Seokjin finally let out a laugh. It probably was the first he had in a few weeks now. That hearty and happy chuckle. It was the reason he loved his father so much, the man could effortlessly bring him laughter even in the worst of situations.

"Well it means. 'Those are totally adorable, I swear to god am  going to watch some now. Catch you later. I love you.' " He cleared, smiling at the man.

"How come you know what it means?"

"Because am not old." Seokjin chuckled as his father gaped at him. The man only shook his head after, muttering something about kids these days. His gaze then met Seokjin's, the omega was sure his father could see the change in him, not only physically, but inside too, it was one of his strengths as a doctor, and seokjin hated that that trait would be put to use now.

"Are you ok sweetie?" His father asked, eventually having broken through the wall of facade Seokjin was putting up. The omega pushed the now empty bowl further into the table before he leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, am fine." He replied.

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