Chapter 9

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Yoongi walked into their house, his father beside him.
The alpha had gone to the hospital after work to pick up his dad, also to stop him from working overtime, again. He needed rest, he was overworking himself.

"Looks like hyung is already home." He commented as they walked to the living area.

"Did taehyung accompany his sister, to that gala, I don't want her being all by herself."Mr Kim asked, a bit of worry taking over him for his little girl.

"He did, they left earlier in the evening, they won't be long."

"Is that you dad?" A voice asked from the upstairs, before Seokjin appeared smiling down at the two.

"Yoongi? I didn't know you were coming."

"What? I have to call to see my father now." He joked.

"Well he likes it that way." Seokjin joked back following the two into the kitchen.

"Are you staying the night, please the night." The omega begged out of nowhere, and Yoongi looked at him a moment.

"Its the twins isn't it?" Yoongi asked and Mr. Kim laughed knowing those two could drive anyone crazy.

"We brought food, you want some." Mr Kim asked bringing out plates for the take out.
The Omega curled up in one of the chairs pulling on his sweater paws.
"No I already had dinner."

"You went out with Hoseok?" Yoongi asked plating food for himself and his dad.

"Uh.... No, it was my boss."

"You had dinner with Kim? Didn't you two eat out last week too." Yoongi asked suspiciously.

"Well, y-yeah we had another meeting, so we just had dinner while at it."

"Why is your voice getting higher, are you lying." Mr Kim asked while Yoongi snorted out a laugh.

"Do you like him son."

"Whaaaat No." He blushed, giving himself away.

"Its ok if you do, maybe he could be your mate."

"Appaaaa" He whined, while the two laughed at his father's teasing.

"While we are talking about mates, um..., you know anything about true mates?...... Uh.. am asking for a friend." He added when the two perked up.

"Yeah, I know some things, we still have on going research on it in the labs and some knowledge back when we were kids, what do you wanna know.?"

"How do you know if your true mates? For starters."

"Well there are a lot of things that show that, according to the research from the lab, a bond is formed before two people are even born, if they don't meet, the bond is never initiated, if they do meet, its inevitable, they are naturally drawn to each other, and it ranges from physical touches to emotional pulls, there isn't one known way to discover if two people are true mates except for mating.

If true mates, ultimately make love, or have sex, the bond is sealed between them, some even say you could hear each others heartbeat, but that same way that bond cannot be broken, it forever, if one dies, the other eventually dies too.

The research from the hospital, is zeroing on the bond specifically, they say its the answer to everything."

A lot of things surprised the omega from what his father said, the internet research he did didn't reveal half the things his dad summarized in mere sentences.

The bond was ultimately sealed through sex, and there was no way to break it.
He blushed at the thought of Namjoon and him having sex, by now he knew he wanted more from the man than the dinners they had, he wanted to know what his touch would feel like on his body, or what he tasted like....he shook his head from those thoughts.

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