Chapter 67

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Jimin uncrossed his legs for the fourth time that evening, he leaned back on the now uncomfortable velvet couch on the lobby, his eyes never leaving the front door. He was starting to think he should have called, as opposed to arriving unannounced, or his lame idea of a surprise, which by the way he didn't know if Yoongi would like. I mean, what if he was out on a serious job, or he wasn't even in town. Or what if he brought someone home, a friend, maybe that hot friend of his from the club who Jimin was sure was not just a buddy. They looked too good together to be just friends.

He knew he was getting in his head again with all these assumptions about Yoongi, but he couldn't help it, he had travelled all this way to Seoul to see him. Or like he liked to think; Thank him. He took in a deep shaky breath, willing himself calm as he spotted the mop of blond entering through the doors. Yoongi was in  simple dark ripped jeans, his muscular thighs showing through rips. Jimin tried not to look at that, or at his chest that was covered in a nice button up, stylishly tucked into his jeans. He resorted to his face instead, that was set in an unusual smile, eyes nowhere in particular as he walked in.

Yoongi wasn't a particularly cheery type of person, in fact Jimin could count with fingers the number of times he had seen the older with a smile like that. So it made him wonder just what could have made the true blood that happy. Or maybe who.

He didn't exactly know how to approach as Yoongi passed the lobby for the elevator, he hadn't actually thought about how and what he wanted to say to him, let alone how to approach him. So quickly he followed him to the elevator door, taking a moment to inhale his musky scent, mixed with the weird, but pleasant scent of caramel, or something much lighter, before making his presence know by clearing his throat beside the older.

Yoongi looked beside him, his happy expression changing to a surprised one, before an even bigger smile made a way to his face.  "Jimin?"

"Heeey." The omega joked, opening his arms for a hug, just as Yoongi brought out his hand for a hand shake. They got into an awkward fit, where they were confused as to what mode of greeting to use. They weren't that close for skin ship, but they weren't two strangers on the road either that would be best suited with a mere shake. They were right in the middle, the confused stage.

"Let's just keep the greeting." Jimin suggested with an embarrassed smile, "Good idea." Yoongi added just as the elevator doors dinged. "Umm, I am sorry, I shouldn't have ambushed you like this, I saw you walk in and I was around here so I just followed to say hi, you must be busy, maybe we could talk some other time, sorry for- "

"Jimin." Yoongi cut off his rumbling with that deep voice of his, making the omega take a calming breath, which constituted of his musky scent, and that oddly pleasant foreign scent. "Sorry. Am just-"

"You wanna come up to my apartment. Since your already here that is." Yoongi asked hopefully, wedging a hand between the closing  elevator door, "I am not sure, you must be busy, and I don't want to impose on you." Jimin wasn't sure why he was sabotaging himself with this, he had waited almost an hour for Yoongi, and now he was chickening out. "I am not busy, if you don't want to come to my apartment, would you rather go out in a cafe or something instead?" Yoongi asked, worried the omega might be uncomfortable in his house with the two of them alone. Although they had stayed for long hours of night before, for work that is. This was different.

"Oh no it's not that, we could go up if it's alright, besides, it looks like it going to pour soon." Jimin said regaining his composure. Yoongi stared at him for a second longer, taking in the nicely styled black hair, and his outfit that particularly showed his unmarked neck, before leading him to the elevators.

"I didn't know you were back, the last time we talked you said you would be staying in Busan a while longer." Yoongi said recalling the phone call from three weeks ago. They talked occasionally, just checking in with each other, the last time being three weeks ago when Jimin had called in.

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