Chapter 63

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Seokjin was loving pregnancy.

It least now he was. He wasn't crying constantly like he had several weeks ago, and he wasn't feeling miserable about himself either. On the contrary he was elated, face always stretched into a happy expression, (except for the few times he was in a bad mood) and a hand always resting over his still small belly protectively.

He was surprisingly not showing a lot at five months, it was still a small bump, barely visible over his clothes. The doctor had confirmed there was nothing wrong with him or the baby when he asked about it, and he was glad it was so. His days of receiving bad news were over, he dreaded those moments, and he was happy things were turning well for them.

Not entirely really, some things were still hanging, requiring his attention, or a piece of his mind. One such was Seulgi, he was about to come face to face with in a few minutes. Seokjin wasn't particularly thrilled for this one, he wasn't sure why he had insisted on following Namjoon to this meeting either. Internally he didn't want to accept that he didn't fully trust Namjoon. Maybe Seulgi, but Namjoon; he was his mate. He needed to put some faith in him even if he was still a little scared.

"Are you sure you want to do this baby. I can handle this myself, I don't want you getting worked up." Namjoon voiced from beside him in the car. Seokjin only squeezed the alpha's hand that was joined with his to reassure him he was okay. Although he wasn't. The thought of seeing Seulgi made his stomach churn with bitterness, and something vile. He wanted to hurt her for what she had done to the both of them, more for Namjoon than him.

The alpha had suffered a great deal. And when some wouldn't see how much of a scar it left to be taken advantage of like that, Seokjin did. He could see Namjoon still struggling to regain himself. Most people would dismiss and not regard it as rape because he was an alpha - assumed he probably enjoyed it, and encouraged it. They didn't know how much it would hurt an alpha's ego, pride, and general being. It would be a disgrace if people knew a woman had pinned him down and taken advantage of him, mostly because an alpha had the upper hand in the society.

It shouldn't have to be that way, but it was, and Seokjin could see the alpha in his mate struggling to still come to terms with it. Even now, as Namjoon checked on him, Seokjin knew the alpha wasn't quite alright himself, so he turned slightly on his seat to look at him. "You don't have to do this you know. She's is not worth it." He said.

"I know, but I just can't live with myself if I let it go easily. She caused us a lot, I think she needs to be reminded who she messed with." Namjoon said, fingers tightening around Seokjin's. The omega knew the alpha needed closure, something to sooth the animal in him, even if it wasn't enough, it was still a lesson, and it would definitely teach her to stay away from them.

"If this is too much for you, you can stay in the car baby, I won't be long."

"I'll be right beside you." Seokjin assured with a small smile. He needed  Namjoon to know that he would be there regardless. Like the alpha had been there for him in times of need. Namjoon kissed the back of his hand, his lips lingering for a second longer before he pulled away. "I love you." Namjoon told him, his eyes shining over with truth. Seokjin smiled, leaning his head on the alpha's shoulder. He tried not to think much about what meeting Seulgi after all this time would be like even if it was impossible.

Namjoon had sought Seulgi after taking over her company. She had been in Japan, hiding out with help from her numerous connections. Namjoon in the mean time was busy taking from her. It wasn't easy, but it was possible, and Namjoon had taken advantage of the partnership that had started all this to actually get back at her. Now, he just needed her signature on a few things to finalize the paper work. Namjoon wanted it to go on record that he didn't want or need any part of the wealth he was about to acquire. It was simply to hurt the other, because Namjoon knew how much it meant to her, even if it wouldn't compare in the slightest to the things he had done to him.

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