Chapter 59

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"Jin, are you alright? " Namjoon asked the other as he placed the box of pizza on the kitchen counter. The omega had not said much on the drive home, just requested a box of pizza from a certain restaurant in the middle town. Otherwise he had been silent, seemingly lost in thought. Namjoon wondered what he was thinking about, if perhaps something was bothering him, or if he was stressing over something again.

The omega turned to him flashing a small smile. "Am fine." He stated

"Really, you've been quiet since the hospital. Is something wrong?" Honestly nothing was wrong, Seokjin was still just in shock of what they had found out earlier. He knew it was a big deal he was pregnant, but really having to hear, and see the reality up close confirmed it to him. Oddly he wondered if Namjoon felt the same, if maybe he had those little swirls of butterfly, and if maybe his heart skipped a little with fear at being new at this.

"No, everything is fine," he smiled to himself before looking at the alpha. "It's just...we are really having a little girl." He voiced, the words sounding so real to him now. Namjoon put the plates down on the counter before walking back to him. "It sounds unreal, doesn't it?" Seokjin nodded along.

"Are you scared?" The alpha asked again.

"A little, you? " Seokjin asked back.

Namjoon tilted his head thinking about that, "I guess am scared a little too. I know this is not how we planned it, but it's really happening. We really are having a baby, and despite it being our first time, we need to put on our big boy pants and prepare for it." Namjoon said with a laugh, prompting a huge smile from Seokjin. They had definitely missed being like this, and it made Seokjin think he hadn't been the best these past few weeks. He had been hard on the alpha, and made him sweat a little on it.

He felt like the truth involved him being at fault too, and his smiled flattered a little as he watched Namjoon's brightened face. "Am sorry." He said without warning. He spoke the very words, he didn't want to hear, to the very person he hated to hear it from.

But it was out their now, and he needed to speak out his mind. "I know you think the way I left was really abrupt, I know you think I didn't give you a chance to explain, and just upped and left, with the baby and all. I know you feel like I didn't put much faith in you."

"Jin-" Namjoon wanted to tell him that was in the behind them, that they had gotten over the fighting, and the past was the past, but the omega cut him short.

"I see how you would feel that way. But I want you to know that I could have never done it different. I have never been in the dark like I was, and the decisions I made, good or bad, were based on all my feelings, what led to it, and what the future would be like for me and eventually the baby when I found out, everything else came after it."

Namjoon nodded along, knowing he had no right to feel that way to begin with. "I know you were hurting too, and in the moment, we felt a lot, and said a lot too. Some that we didn't mean to, and am sorry if any of it hurt you." Seokjin said in earnest. He also knew that what Namjoon had gone through with Seulgi that night must have been daunting, especially if he didn't want it. It compared to rape, although most people wouldn't see it that way because the victim was an alpha and often than not he would have a upper hand in things like that, strength wise. And Seokjin was sorry that his alpha had to experience that, not just the ordeal, but the lack of control he must have felt. That did things to a man's ego, and way of thinking.

Namjoon nodded again, not expecting this kind of turn. It felt good to know that Seokjin knew he had been hurting too. "Thank you." He said finally when the omega finished, but Seokjin was not yet done, there was still one more thing he needed to set on record before they could go back to them.

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