Chapter 20

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More than a year ago.

Yoongi groaned pushing past sweaty bodies of dancing people, all high on whatever that guy on the corner was selling. He growled yet to another girl who tried grinding on him pushing her out of his way after. Fucking locals .He hated places like this when he didn't want to be in them, but some rich fuck he had been following around had found its way to this club,and after three hours of waiting and drinking sodas, the guy finally decided to leave. He had to be on his tail otherwise he would lose him and his drunken friends, but the crowd in the club was making it difficult, and it didn't help that his wolf was on edge, his eyes had involuntary shifted more than three times tonight, and he couldn't get a better explanation than he was simply on edge. Maybe a good fuck after this would fix that.

He finally made it out just as his 'catch' left the parking lot, clearly driving under the influence. He got into his standby taxi requesting to follow the other car, and praying for those idiots not to die before he got his final answers, that would suck, he was going to get a lot for this one; a cheating fiancé with another child from another woman on the way..........who now apparently also goes to male strip clubs. 'Could this guy get any worse?'

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he got off a few shops behind, he didn't want to draw attention to himself, although he was sure the others couldn't possibility notice him from how drunk they were. He followed the others through the back door showing his ID .

The place wasn't as big as he thought it would be, well at least the strip space wasn't that huge, but he was sure there were private rooms in the back. Still, it was packed, adults of all ages, mostly men, but a few women lingered in the crowd too. Yoongi took a back seat, he could see his 'catch' perfectly from this angle, he had a lot on the guy, enough information with pictures, but as always he had to give a final blow, and he had a feeling this would do it.

He ordered a drink, an alcoholic one this time, he figured this place wasn't that bad as the previous club, the crowd was a little smaller, the noise not bad, and most people stayed on their seats.
His thoughts were interrupted as they announced "J" next on stage. He furrowed his eyebrows as the crowd went nuts, cheering loudly, especially his 'catch' and his friends jumping up and down, all while chanting "J" on the couch next to the stage which they occupied.

The waited stripper soon appeared, inched heels, fishnets, booty shorts, a crop top, and finally a well decorated mask. It intrigued yoongi how they couldn't see his face, only his blue orbs that pierced through the small opening of his eyes, and went straight to everyone's crotch. God what a man.

J's milky thighs stood in the net he was wearing, a perfect contrast. His ass cheeks called to everyone in the room as they clapped in his neted shorts, legs spreading occasionally in his performance. The crowd was wild, money flying in all direction as they scrambled to reward, emptying their pockets. Yoongi had never seen anything like it. They rained paper worth thousands, on him.

J wrecked havoc in that club, summoning every being to him with the movement of his body, he had aroused almost everyone in that club, and even Yoongi found it hard to keep still. Business and pleasure wasn't his thing, but a part of him was grateful his 'catch' had led him there that night.

He stayed till the end of the performance, gradually feeling hot as time went by, at first he thought it was the club, but as time went by he couldn't stand it any longer. He had enough on the 'catch' anyway, so he pushed himself off his chair and headed out. He practically ripped his shirt off his body once outside, his eyes shifted to red, and his insides churned with heat.

"No no no, not again." He pleaded with himself as he stumbled to the ally beside the building. He should have seen it coming, he'd been feeling this symptoms for days now, how could he miss it.

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