Chapter 69

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Swiftly moving through bodies of busy, oblivious to their surrounding people, Taehyung followed his supervisor through the open office, trying to jot down her instructions, and keep an eye out for his safety at the same time. Two months into it, and he still hadn't gotten used to the  occupied base, and the constant noise from everyone being on call. If he didn't know better he would say he worked at stock exchange market, or maybe on a busy accounting office.

But he only worked at a set of an upcoming, greatly anticipated korean drama. After four years of college, and an eventual graduation, Taehyung now interned for his need to widen his experience, and to market himself and his talent. This production crew had been the best choice of what he was looking for. It was kind of like a school if you thought about it. Except you didn't have to pay, and you weren't actually taught - you learnt by yourself, through observation, and recording.

School didn't teach you that, how to grow as person, how to juggle up your responsibility in the grown world, with actual grown people. School didn't teach you how to earn a living off your talents. It only taught you how to further it, and allowed you room to nature, but that was about it.

So yeah, it provided something completely different, which Taehyung needed at the moment. A change. Of course he had had to interview and favourably compete with other people to get the part, which he and another guy landed, out of the more than twenty that contested.

Still, Taehyung felt overwhelmed at times, these raging halls, and the incredible amount of famous people he met daily on production base, left him drained. In other words he wasn't used to it. All the flashing lights, cameras, instructions, and to be able to learn through it all was a job in itself. It didn't help that he was an assistant to the executive crew, he had to be on his toes constantly, and occasionally they would abruptly ask for his input on something important, in which case they needed a right answer, not necessarily his opinion.

But then again, he loved the challenge, he had taken it up for himself, and he honestly could already tell the improvements he was making individually, the sense of accomplishment that was starting to settle within him as a result of doing something for himself.

"Get it off my desk, and email it to the address. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am." He answered, putting down the last of directions in his note pad, looking up find her gone already. He was kind of a personal assistant to the executive crew as well, they gave him light paper work when production wasn't necessarily running, which Taehyung didn't mind, but did think he wasn't getting paid enough for it.

The internship paid, not a lot, but it paid. Enough to enable him to feed, and get a decent roof over his head. He still depended on his dad for a lot of things, but he was slowly getting off it, setting grounds for himself.

He went through the instructions once more as he walked back to his own space, trying to figure out how he would carry them out in the course of the day.

"Tae." He turned around at the mention of his name, coming face to face with his fellow intern, who he had become friends with in the last two months. "What's up?"
"Manager wants you in his office." He said blankly, Taehyung's face forming into a frown, as a chill went down his spine. The manager wasn't particularly the nicest person, and Taehyung and his friend had gotten yelled at a few times in the course of two months, so you couldn't blame them for being afraid.

"Why, did something happen?" He couldn't help ask, to which the boy just shrugged, "I don't know dude, but I wish you the best." He looked around cautiously, before a sigh left his lips. "Hurry, before he gets into an even worse mood." He stated, giving Taehyung a pat on the shoulder, before going back to his space.

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