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Seven years later.

Opening the front door to their home, Seokjin grimaced at the sight before him. The mess of toys, blankets, pillows and everything else that loaded the living and dining room. He sighed softly, disappointment, but not surprised that this was the scene he came home at times.

He made his way through the mess, walking into the kitchen that was at least not as messy as the other rooms, and putting the numerous bags of food he had in his hand on the counter. Distantly, he could hear the yelling, the happy chuckles, and the loud laughter. It made his heart flutter with Joy, with excitement of how happy his family must be.

He might have been slightly mad at the mess, and tired from a long day, but that all always went away whenever he thought of his family. The sight of them alone always took away his worries, gave him a renowned sense of belonging and accomplishment. That's right, Namjoon and him had accomplished a lot in the last seven years.

For starters, they had six kids. Well seven if you counted Jungwon; Yoongi and Jimin's son, who was staying over for a few nights.

He walked to the back, sliding open the door to the sight of almost everyone on the trampoline. Laughter ensued as the four boys and the little girl playfully pushed and shoved each other. Everyone wanted to jump the highest, but it became funny as they fell on their butts, and brought each other down in the process.

"And then what happens after they cut them?"

"They process them, then they squeeze the juice out of them with a machine, like this...." On the hammock by the shade, was his husband, Namjoon, keeping an eye on the kids on the trampoline, while simultaneously playing with their extremely inquisitive four year old last born, who was now getting a tickling session from his dad. Seokjin stood there a moment, listening to Namjoon explain how orange juice was made, and generally just basking in the feeling of being apart of something this great.

"Appa..." He was finally noticed by the kids on the trampoline, who scrambled off before rushing to him. Younha, the twin to their other last born, was the first to jump to his arms, her cute dimples on display as he hugged her Appa tightly. She rarely acted clingy, often shy or being tough, which led Seokjin to believe she must have really missed him through the night, and the whole day.

"Hey sweetie, how have you been?"

"Fine." She answered with a wide smile, looking ready tell about her day. "Give me a kiss first baby." Seokjin said as the other kids swamped him. Younha gave him two, on both of his cheeks before pulling back to look at him with a smile. Seokjin couldn't help himself as he peppered her face with kisses too, he had missed his kids a lot, and being apart from them for almost a whole day had been hard for him. Younha giggled as Seokjin kissed her tummy too, prompting the others to start whining for their Appa's attention.

Seokjin eventually placed her on her feet, crouching down so that he was leveled with everyone. Immediately they broke into a series of questions and statements, almost demanding his where bouts for the whole day, why he had even gone in the first place, and if perhaps he brought them anything from his impromptu trip.

Jumbled stories of how their day had gone, and of course telling on the things daddy did when Appa was not around followed. After listening intently, Seokjin gave them each a big kiss, apologizing for having left them abruptly, and promising that he wasn't going anywhere anymore.

Jihwan, who had run from Namjoon's lap, and wedged himself between everyone to be in his Appa's arms, took the official position of the baby. Being the youngest of the twins, which ultimately made him the last born, it was unspoken law that he belonged right with his Appa and Daddy, his position was almost non negotiable when it came to affection, and it didn't surprise anyone when he made grabby hands to Seokjin the moment he got his kiss.

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