Chapter 8

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Jungkook rolled his eyes as he saw the person he was waiting for rounding the corner in his 'suppose to be' disguise attire. He had parked out in an alley as the beta requested, and from there he watched as the other tripped on his feet, suspiciously looking behind him every three seconds. Talk about discreet.

"Hey kook it's me, Taehyung." The figure muttered, knocking on the passengers window. Rolling his eyes, Jungkook opened the door for him, doe eyes widening in pretense."Really, I couldn't tell over the hat and sunglasses." He let out sarcastically.

"I know right." The beta chirped happily, never catching on, Jungkook only heaving in a breath as he let the other in.

"Why are you dressed that way anyway?"

"I told you my brother is onto us, we gotta be careful."

"Isn't he still at work? I don't think he would be chasing you around." Jungkook tried, feeling like Taehyung was getting paranoid for no reason again. 

"Even so, yoongi is back too, he investigates people for a living you know, am not taking any chances."

Jungkook hated every second of it, he hated hiding, and lying. So what if he didn't have an omega or a beta girl as a girlfriend? He had a boyfriend instead, a beautiful charming boyfriend, one related him. By law at least, but still....he wanted to scream to the world that they were together, that he was loving at only eighteen, but he couldn't, he didn't want to hurt Taehyung, the beta's fear of what both of their parents would think was justified, he had tried talking him into it, to just get it over with, but the other always needed more time, and Jungkook always understood.

"Maybe its time we tell them Tae." Jungkook offered after a while, taking off his shoes and placing his car keys on the table. Taehyung turned his head to look at him, sighing in defeat at the conversation ahead. He'd been pushing it, been a little selfish and he knew, but he needed time, as always, more time.... 

"I know kookie, but, can we wait just till we graduate, its only three months away, I know I been asking a lot, but can you hold on a little longer, for me. Please." He pouted, pulling the best of his puppy dog eyes to sway the other, cupping Jungkook's face and pecking his lips over and over again until the other relented.

"Fine, I just, I don't want us to hide anymore, I love you." It was the Alpha turn to pout, Taehyung kissing it away, knowing it was the least he could do for the other right now. 

The condo was fully furnished when his now dad gave it to him, it was a two bedroom, a medium living room that extended to the small kitchen and a bathroom. That, along with his blue car was passed to him as a gift on his eighteenth birthday.

He was a Jeon, but a little over five years ago his parents got divorced, or unmated, and his mum remarried to a Kim family, as in, his new dad and Tae's dad were brothers, and they met each other at the wedding. There wasn't anything between them then, but later taehyung's mother fell I'll and eventually died and they had found themselves bonding over that lose. Comfort led to love, they believed it did, and they found themselves consumed by passion and lust, indulging in guilty pleasures until they couldn't go back to the time they were only friends, not even if they wanted to.

So they stayed together, in secret, and in sin, not able to tell the world.

It was tough when Jungkook still lived at his new dad's house, they couldn't be close like they wanted, and they resorted to sneaking around in school and other places.

Of course Taehyung's house wasn't an option, the older wasn't exactly scared of his family finding out, he was scared of what they would think of him, not that they were judgemental or anything, he just...he didn't want to let them down, especially his dad. Jungkook didn't completely understand the logic behind that reasoning, but he supported it any way.

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