Chapter 41

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Seokjin had his head on Namjoon's shoulder as the alpha kissed all over his neck, his hands were still splayed on the wall, his ass out, getting a good groping from the alpha. "I don't even know where to start, you have me crazy omega." Namjoon growled, nipping at his ear with his fangs. The alpha hadn't stopped praising him a second, he was apparently too sexy for his own good.

He whimpered when the alpha moved aside the clothing to expose his hole, he could fill the cold air on it, and he clenched around nothing, needing Namjoon in there. "Fuck your so wet." The alpha said, running a finger over him. He was dripping with slick, making the clothing damp, but he didn't care, he just needed a release.

He pushed back on the alpha's finger, Namjoon got the message, entering one into him. He was thankful the walls were thick, otherwise the moans he let slip would be heard in the nearby rooms. He tilted his head, his lips capturing the alpha's in an urgent kiss. He kissed even harder as another finger entered him, now in a scissoring motion.

"I want to fuck you in this. I want to eat you out in this, then I want you to ride me in this." Seokjin couldn't help the smile on his face, from both the pleasure and the praises. This piece of clothing had sure driven the alpha into something, seokjin didn't know what it was but he liked it.

The alpha pulled out his fingers, before shimming out of his pants. Seokjin moaned as he felt the cock between his cheeks. Namjoon ran it in a teasing motion, all through his crack, then up to the small of his back. He could feel how big and meaty it was as it covered in the slick from his cheeks. Fuck he wanted it in.

He made a whinny sound to alert the the other, pushing back his ass on that full length. Namjoon wrapped a hand around his stomach, pushing out his ass more, before moving the clothing aside once more and guiding his length into him. "Nggggh....arrrgh....please." Seokjin moaned as the alpha bottomed out. He kissed the alpha once more as Namjoon dragged out his length, then back in him in one go. "Your tight.....fuck your tight." Namjoon mumbled on his neck, kissing at his mark while he set a good pace, fucking him to the wall.

Namjoon would stop to adjust the Omega's hips before continuing with his thrusts. Seokjin moaned even louder, when a spank landed on one of his cheeks. He was never into that kind of stuff, more like never tried it, but having Namjoon part his ass that way, knead it, than give it a small spank was arousing.

"I love it when you moan like that, call my name again." The alpha encouraged as he pounded on his prostrate. His mouth was open in a moan as he called out to Namjoon, begged to be fucked. "Oh god....alpha, faster." Seokjin begged as his legs trembled with an orgasm, he open his mouth in a silent scream, his toes curling on the floor, and his member releasing inside his clothing.

Namjoon grunted as he felt the slick coming from the omega as Seokjin came. It was a lot, and his member slid in smoothly, hitting the warm places he wanted it to before he came himself. Their fluids mixed, was a lot, and some of it ran down the omegas thighs Namjoon watching in amazement at what he did.

He held seokjin up by the waist to prevent him from falling over his wobbly legs. The omega was clearly spent, but Namjoon had promised him three rounds, and he was going to give it to him. So he picked him up, carrying him to the bed. "You know what's next love." The alpha stated licking his lips.

Seokjin did know what was next, his chest was still moving from his orgasm, but he was eager nonetheless. He just didn't know what position to be in. He liked to see the alpha do things to him, so he leaned back on his elbows, spreading wide his legs.
Namjoon let out a sound at the site of it, seokjin could see the alpha's cock back to life, and a part of him couldn't wait for round three already.

"You want my cock again.......too greedy, you'll have to wait for a bit, I still need to taste you." Namjoon said as he got down on the bed, bringing the others heels to to his shoulder so he could access him easily. Seokjin sucked in a harsh breath as Namjoon kissed over his wet heat. He let his head loll back as Namjoon blew into it, his hips moving involuntary as the alpha got closer.

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