Chapter 36

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Taehyung sat on the bench on the other side of the street, leg bouncing up and down in fear. He was hoping what he was thinking was not true, and it wouldn't be his reality soon. Guess he was about to find out. He watched as his boyfriend walked out of the very door he feared he would.

Taehyung sucked in a breath picking his phone and calling him. He watched as the other looked around before answering. Taehyung was in plain sight, maybe that was why the alpha couldn't see him, or maybe he wasn't just looking for him at all.


"Hey kook, where are you at?" The beta questioned timidly. "Ummm, I- I was out a little, but am going back home now." He answered, Taehyung hummed gripping his phone tighter.
"I was actually hoping I would talk to you about something important, are you free, can you come over to the apartment?" Taehyung was quite for a bit, he could feel the reality he dreaded catching up to him. He nodded like the other could see him, before confirming verbally and hanging up.

His mind ran to all the possibilities that could come out of it, and he spend a good half hour over thinking it, before he picked himself up and went to Jungkook's. When he got there the younger was on the couch, a hand over his face, covering his eyes.

"Tae, come sit here." The younger patted the couch beside him. Taehyung walking to him. He put on a smile trying to feign a brave face. "What's going on?"

The alpha audibly sucked in a breath "A lot, tae.....I have a lot of things I want to tell you." Their heart beats mirrored each other, both beating hard for almost the same reason. "Am listening."

"Will you listen to me till the end before you can ask anything?" Jungkook asked taking the others hand into his. He sounded a little desperate, and Taehyung clamped his jaw, before nodding.

"First of all, I got accepted by the company I auditioned for, they are letting me train from next month, so this affects my college application too, I might not be able to join at the same time with you.....or at all.

Am sure you have also noticed the growing space between us, I would like to blame it on a lot of things including you, but I think I am just as to fault. I love you tae, I have not had a doubt about that since I said those words to you, but after we moved in together I felt like we spiraled. I waited for you to show me, to say to me how you felt, but you never did. Day after day you only manifested more fears which didn't explain why you wouldn't personally tell me what you felt for me, and when you did I felt like it was because I forced it on you. Till now I don't know how you really feel about me, am still in the dark." Jungkook could feel how limp and cold the others hand had gone, but he wasn't done.

"I felt lost during that time, I couldn't even speak to you. And I found myself just wandering, hanging out with some crowds and conversing with different people. One of them is a stripper from this male strip club. I found myself there alone with him once, I didn't know what exactly I was looking for in a place like that, but he listened to me.....he more than listened to me. We did do a lot of things actually.......we touched, well he touched me, and did other things too, and I know it wasn't right tae, and am sorry.....I don't know exactly what I was thinking.... I just." The alpha said out of words and out of breath too. There wasn't a way to put this lightly.

"Am not saying this to downplay my mistake, because I know I let him, and I continued to go there, even today. Am telling you because I can see a little clearly now, I recognise my mistakes and I want to redeem myself." Jungkook said firmly, his own tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he saw the beta breathing deeply.

It was quiet between them for a bit, jungkook worried about what the other was thinking, while Taehyung tried to arrange his thoughts. He started with the most important one "What exactly did you do with him......did you.. Did you sleep together? What was it."

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