Chapter 52

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The usual chatter and the occasional banter with some of his employees was unknown to Namjoon now. Everyone coward as he walked by, and the building always fell to a foreign sort of silence when he was around, one most of them were not used to, but had put up with now.

The new Kim Namjoon was not accommodating of anything other than work. All you had to do was your job. A couple of stray ones had lost their places, replaced immediately with people more abiding to his new laws.

The alpha had made it clear that each one of them was replaceable, a couple of slip up's would earn you your permanent leave, and it made them feel like they were treading on a thin line with him. Even the six, including Hoseok.

Namjoon had ensured he emphasized to them that they weren't safe either,  they were just as dispensable as the others if they didn't manage their departments properly. He knew he was being a dick, especially to Hoseok whom he loaded with work, an attempt to make him react. But the beta had not questioned it, seemingly knowing what Namjoon was trying to do. He took every punch thrown at him, bravely may I add.

Now Namjoon felt like he was getting payback, like the heavens were punishing him for how he had 'reacted'  this past weeks. He wasn't particularly cruel, but he was unreasonable, a little too demanding with the people he regarded closely business wise, and now he was feeling the wrath.

It was unfair.

If this was a price he had to pay for anything he had done in life then it was certainly unfair. He wasn't a bad person, he could proudly say that he had done more good than harm with his existence.

He shouldn't have to go through this, much less his mate.

A phone call had come in only minutes ago. It was from Yoongi. It was brief but specific. Important details captured in only a few sentences.

Namjoon had never bolted so fast in his life. His employees who were still at work coward in their cubicles as he passed by them, running for his car. It was evening already, and he hurriedly got into his car for the hospital.

'Come to ilsung hospital. Now. Its about Jin.' Yoongi had informed him before hanging up. Namjoon didn't need to be told twice, he kept a high speed as his mind raced with forbidden thoughts. Was he hurt? Injured? This limited information had him writhing in fear. He could feel it in his veins that something wasn't quite right.

The car was parked carelessly as he jumped out running to the front desk. He was sure he had broken a handful of road rules, but that could wait. "Room 206. Down the third hall." The receptionist said and Namjoon didn't wait for anything as he ran down the said hall.

His sweaty hands clenched into fists involuntary, as he came around the corner. Yoongi was sitting down on one of the benches lining the walls. His elbows rested on his knees, head hung low. He rushed to him startling the other.

"Where, w-what happened?" He panted out not because of the exhaustion, but the fear that was quickly crippling his senses. Yoongi looked at him, and for a moment there Namjoon could have sworn the other's expression was soft. Empathetic. Almost.

"He's in there. We still haven't heard from them for an hour now." Namjoon's legs just about buckled under the pressure. He breathed heavily, wanting to ask the obvious question of what, despite the other trying to avoid. "What happened?, what happened to him?" He demanded again, not able to keep himself, Yoongi was suppose to protect him.

"Sit down." A softer voice spoke beside Yoongi, and only then did Namjoon notice the woman beside Yoongi.  Feline hard eyes, pale skin,  and hair that flowed over her back. Namjoon looked between her and yoongi noticing the resemblance.  "And who are you?"

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