Chapter 64

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Looking at the closet mirror now, Namjoon thought he looked happy. He felt like for the first time in a while, his image mirrored the exact emotions he was feeling. His lips would stretch into a small smile every once in a while, and his eyes would glisten in excitement from time to time.

He eyed the well dressed reflection of him; A black turtle neck that showed off his fit body, tucked into an equally black trouser, paired with a black blazer, and a pair of black shoes. He was going all out tonight with the colour.  A Rolex watch was clasped around his wrist, matching the colour of his belt.

He fixed his cuffs, eyes trained on his newly done hair, fluffy with an undercut. He looked good, hell, Namjoon felt good. It was his mates birthday today, and the omega had chosen to invite a few friends and family over for the gathering, Namjoon had no objection to it as long as it made Seokjin happy. It also provided him with the platform he needed tonight for his plans.

He took one last glance at the mirror, confirming his appearance and the security of the package in his inner pocket.

Namjoon had to admit that even his underlying excitement, and his raging good looks didn't conceal his growing anxiety, he was unusually awkward with his hands, wanting to keep them in his pockets at all times, or just down right confused on where to put them without looking suspicious. He seriously felt like he was hiding something dangerous.

He smiled nervously at himself all while he chanted 'its going to be alright' in his head. He honestly didn't think he would feel these kind of jitters on a day like this, or ever. He was the alpha, he was confident and head strong, things like this didn't scare him. Oh but it did. . .

He took a deep breath, walking back into their room, expecting Seokjin to be dressed already, or almost at least. But the omega was seated in their bed, his pink short robe still securing his body, and his comfy fluffy slippers still on his feet. He was leaned against the head board, legs straightened before him, the computer on his lap and his mouth chewing away to snacks while he watched whatever it was he was watching.

"Baby, why are you not getting ready?"

"Am not going." The omega replied simply, not paying attention to the alpha by the bed now.

"What do you mean your not going." Namjoon asked worried, this could turn left so quickly. He had experience first hand the Omega's mood swings. "They can't make my clothes delivery tonight, am already tired, and the star in this drama died." The omega cried pointing at the screen before looking up.


"He was really handsome." He whined looking at the alpha

That had Namjoon moving forward and shutting the laptop. They had plans in few minutes and the omega was gushing over some acting guy, who probably had nothing on him.

"Heeeey." The omega whine again, trying to open back the computer but Namjoon put a grip on it. "Baby, it's your birthday, you need to get ready."

"I don't have anything to wear." That was a lie, he had plenty to wear, they just didn't look pleasing to him like they did in the past few days. It's the reason he had ordered some clothes, which he was in turn informed wouldn't arrive the very same night.

"You literally have a closet full of clothes that you haven't even touched." Namjoon said to the omega who just pouted instead, looking at up at him with puppy eyes.

"It's your day today, and I want to spend it with you. The others too. You invited them remember."

"Yeah, but that was three weeks ago, I was young, reckless and in a good mood. Now am older, I just want to cuddle, and watch more drama." He grumbled, knowing he couldn't turn away from a dozen of guests, and just do what he wanted.

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