Chapter 61

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"A little to the left, yeah, right there." Seokjin announced with a smile, he leaned back on the new couch, his back resting nicely on the plush fabric. Namjoon walked to him, from where he had been hanging a framed picture of them on the wall. He sat next Seokjin, slinging an arm over the top of the couch, then to the omega's shoulders before bringing him close.

Seokjin leaned onto the alpha's chest, eyes roaming their new living area. "You like it?" Namjoon asked, pressing  on the remote to tint out the lights in the room, then the one that played out the soft music in the house. "Yeah, it looks nice." Seokjin answered basking in the feel.

The new design of their living and dining area was unique, it was nice, with homey colours, and good comfort and entertainment items. Seokjin had chosen a lot of it, and he was glad it turned out right. Namjoon thought it was nice too, the omega having added more things for the remaining space, like the grand piano on the other side of the room, pictures of them and pieces of art hanging on the walls.

"I think that picture still looks crooked."

"You literally told me to move it to the left."

"You moved it too much." Seokjin said with a laugh as the alpha gaped at him. The past few days they had spent looking into the living and the dining room designs, and decorations. They had also picked a room to allocate the baby. Which they both agreed would be the one opposite to theirs. They were excited for these activities, both spending more time together over them and genuinely enjoying it.

"My ankles hurt?" Seokjin pouted, raising his legs a little in the air before dropping them. "You must have walked too much." Namjoon countered, moving the omega's head slowly so that he was looking at him. "Should I call the doctor, so he can come check it, it might be something serious." Namjoon suggested, Seokjin only shaking his head in disagreement.

It wasn't unusual now to get weird aching places, his back hurt sometimes, or his fingers at times too. It was just pregnancy, and the weird stuff it brought with it. Seokjin had honestly not walked that much, they had just been to the mall, then the park, and that was it, but now he couldn't help feel the ache in his feet, his whole body generally was tired, the kind that couldn't even be cured with rest.

"No, I think I'll just have a bath." Seokjin said moving from the other's embrace. "Are you sure is nothing serious?" Namjoon said in worry, he was aware of how difficult it had been on Seokjin, he didn't want his omega to experience anymore pain. "Yeah I am, I'll be in the room." He smiled at the alpha. "Ok, I'll just finish up here and come give you a massage. " Namjoon said, inspecting his ankles.

Seokjin nodded, moving to get up, but Namjoon held him by the waist, capturing his lips in a kiss first. It was a lot like old times. Spontaneous.

"I'll be there in a second, yeah?" He said as the omega blushed. Namjoon went cleaning the place as Seokjin moved up for a shower.

Namjoon could confidently say that they were almost back, Seokjin was now his usual self, all bubbly and chatty with him. Namjoon loved that things were getting back to normal, they were getting more stronger everyday, their bond visibly tightening too. It would take a little bit more to fully get them back, which Namjoon wasn't too worried about because he knew it would come soon.

He honestly didn't know what they were waiting for, he could tell they both wanted each other badly, yet here they were acting all dodgey. At first Namjoon was a bit scared that Seokjin wouldn't be ready for that, following the things with Seulgi and the office incident, but after the intense make out session they had last night, he was sure the omega was just as needy. They had woken something fierce in them, something that had stayed dormant for the past month.

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