Chapter 55

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""Your here already?"

"Yeah, umm -"

"I'll be down in a minute." Seokjin said into the speaker of his phone, pulling on some Jeans.

"Ummm, Jin?"

"Yes?" The omega paused listening to the others now different voice. "They won't let me in."


"Security won't let me in." Hoseok said to him, his voice sounding confused, a lot like the expression on Seokjin face. "Just tell them your coming to me."

"Already did." Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows at that, Hoseok had been here a lot of times. There is no way they would not know him, or stop him from entering the premises. "Ok, I'll be out there in a minute."

He hang up the phone moving to the walk in closet to pick a pair of his many rubber shoes. He put them on before moving out of the house. He loved their home, but sometimes living in this modern mansion sort of house got to his nerves. Security was never a trouble, just check in by a guard before they entered, it wasn't that serious.

Namjoon had hired such personnel because of the numerous business guests they had over, or parties that took place in the home, it was a safe option especially now with the pregnancy, but Seokjin had never heard of a guest denied entry, especially Hoseok who the guards knew.

He walked the distance to the gate loving the feel of his muscles stretching, he missed going out, or walking in the sun, he missed a lot of things from the outdoor. "What's going on here?" He questioned as he reached the entrance. He could see Hoseok's car parked out, the man leaning against the side.

The guard bowed immediately muttering apologies. "I am so sorry sir."

"It's OK, he's with me, buzz him in." He waved off the guard.

"I can't sir."

"Excuse me?" He said his voice a little loud. The man bowed again in apology. "Sir Namjoon gave specific orders to not let him in Sir." Seokjin was taken back by that, he did not hear that right. "What?"

"Sir Namjoon ordered to not let Mr Jung hoseok in."

"Well he's with me let him in." Jin said sternly, he could not believe this. He couldn't believe the nerve of Kim Namjoon either, and not inform him of any of this? It was embarrassing, to both him and Hoseok, and it made him look like a complete fool in front of the help.

The man looked at him skeptically, although it was clear what side he was on. Seokjin was going to reprimand him once more because he was getting on his nerves, but Hoseok spoke.

"Its Ok Jin. Come on out." Hoseok assured removing his hands from his pockets, the beta was clearly taken back by this too. Seokjin looked at the guard one more time, the man still muttering apologies. He wasn't at fault, just following orders. So Seokjin huffed, going out the gate instead.

"Am so sorry Hobi." He said immediately as he hugged the other, he had missed him so much, it had been a month already. "Don't worry about it, am not that surprised."

"Your my best friend, Namjoon just can't do that."

"We don't really get along that much now." He smiled as they pulled apart. Hoseok could tell the other was still embarrassed by what had just happened, a little hurt too. "Its fine, I really wanted to spend some time with you."

"Me too hobi..." Seokjin said as a thought came to mind. "...How about we just go out instead?" Seokjin proposed. Hoseok had left work just to visit him, and he wasn't about to let the other be chased away like that. Besides he missed his best friend.

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