Chapter 26

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In the weeks following Namjoon and Seokjin barely got to spend time together, they were often busy, occupied with work, and when they finally got to be with each other at night, they were too tired to even converse.

After the awards the company received, new goals were set, objectives changed and priorities were shifted. It wasn't anything different from every day, there was just so much added pressure, and it weighed greatly on the two.

Namjoon wondered if he could even keep himself together if Seokjin wasn't around.
The omega had moved in with him weeks back, technically he only brought his clothes but in his defense their wasn't much to take from his parents house. Anyway, Namjoon was excited, they spent more time together this way, even if it was just tired nights, he appreciated it, he got to wake up next to the man he loved, and drive to work with him, maybe make out in the parking if they weren't going to see each other till evening.

It was hard to tell where they would be through the day, they had unfixed schedules, one moment they would be in the office, the next in a meeting out of town, or a last minute invite to an event or conference, sometimes Namjoon even had to travel out of country. They were shackled in all places.

He hated that they were this busy even on the few weeks they had been together, he was aware of the dynamics of their jobs, and how taxing and time consuming it was, but that's not what he wanted for them, he wanted a good break from work to spend time together. That's why he had declared the weekend off for both of them to bond.

Namjoon smiled to himself as he ran his plan in his mind once again. It was going to be perfect. He had just gotten home and still in suit on the couch, but the only thing on his mind was Seokjin, and how he wanted to make him happy. He tilted his head to the door as he heard it open and close. The omega shuffling in quickly and throwing his sling bag away before making his way to Namjoon. "Your gonna get employee of the month if you keep that up." Namjoon joked as Seokjin lazily stride to him, he looked tired.

"Sure, I would love that tittle." Seokjin playfully rolled his eyes.
"Come here baby." Namjoon stretched his arms when the omega was close enough, bringing him to his lap.
Seokjin gladly straddled him before placing a kiss on his lips. "I missed you." The omega said kissing the others face.

"I missed you too baby, how was your day?" Namjoon asked kissing him back and running his large hands over the Omega's waist.
He knew how most of Seokjin day went, they had decided on hourly updates when they were apart, it was mostly Namjoon's paranoia that something may happen to Seokjin while he was away and to sooth his worries, the omega had agreed to update him.

"It was fine, I closed that deal with Mr Abiya." He muttered smiling at the other, but Namjoon didn't looked too pleased.

"Was that your last meeting."

"Yep, the one I just came from." He added before placing a kiss on the alphas lips again. He couldn't get enough.
"It was just you two?" Namjoon's hands traveled to his ass, kneading the flesh slowly. Seokjin gasped softly, of course Namjoon would get jealous.
He titled his head back and bit his lips .

"He's married joon-ah"

"Didn't stop him before." The alpha growled, attaching his lips to Seokjin's neck, leaving open mouthed kisses.
"Well if he tried, I d-didn't catch it, because I was thinking about you all through." The omega breathed, his hands on the Alpha's shoulder tightening as Namjoon kissed along his jaw.

Namjoon captured his lips roughly in a kiss growling in between and groping the his ass. Then almost like a switch he pulled back from his lips, stopping his work behind. "You look tired baby, let's get some sleep, we're free for the weekend yeah?"

(Accurate) THE CEO'S OMEGA. Namjin.Where stories live. Discover now