Fifty Eight

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Happy New Year!!


Happy New TPWK Day!!

"But why didn't you ask him out? You had the perfect opportunity," Niall whined and Harry didn't understand his obsession with their 'relationship'. 

"I told you, it's too soon. He's probably not even over that bastard yet," he spit out the last part like it was venom in his mouth.

Niall sighed, "course he isn't. That's why you have to be there. How else will he move on?" He asked, getting kinda tired of Harry's stupidness. Honesly, how hard can it be to make a fucking move already? "You've known him for almost a year now, it's not 'too soon'."

"But I just don't wanna take advantage of him you know? I read about abusive relationships and stuff and most sources said the same thing. That they stay cause they think no one else will love them so they stay, he's obviously in a vulnerable state and I don't want him to like me because he thinks I'm the only one who can. Shouldn't he get better before he starts something new with someone?" Harry asked and fiddled with a pen on his desk, looking more vulnerable than Niall had seen in a long time. "And what if- what if I can't help him? What if I just make it worse?"

"You can't make it worse. I mean you propably could, but you wont," he shrugged. "Cause you know exactly what not to do in a relationship." Harry looked at him sadly making him sigh a little. "Course he has to get better for himself but that doesn't mean he can't have someone there to support him along the way. You don't have to do some grand gesture with roses and fireworks and what not, just maybe ask him out to a movie or something-" 

Harry raised his eyebrows, "a movie?"

"And just be there for him, sooner or later he'll realize that you're not like him and that you actually love him so-"

"Woah, slow down there," Harry said, interrupting Niall once again. "Love? That's a strong word, don't you think?"

He looked at him, unamused, "I don't think so," Niall digged around in his jean pockets and pulled out a crumpled paper note. "I mean it sounds to me you love him quite a lot," he said teasingly as he unfolded the paper. 

Harry looked at him in question and was about to protest when Niall started reading out loud. "I'll stop time for you, the second you say you'd like me to."

Harry's eyes widened and he lunged forward, trying to snacth it back, knocking all the pens over in the process. Niall laughed and shot out of his chair, trying to get away from Harry who was desperately trying to get it back. "I just wanna give you the love that you're missing. Baby, just to wake up with you, would be everything-" he finally caught up with him and tried to wrestle the paper out of his hands but he had it clutched to his stomach and bent over so it was almost impossible for Harry to access it. He was laughing hysterically and Harry was about to lose it, "where did you even get that?" He asked as he tried to pry his arms away from his body, but it was seemingly hard with how his body was pressed against the office wall. 

"In your bag," Niall got out between breaths and his stomach hurt from all the laughter. What the fuck is so funny? Harry thought as he practically clawed at Nialls arms. "What the hell were you doing in my bag?"

"I was only looking for a charger," he said sheepishly when he had calmed down a bit. He turned his body a bit towards Harry and he took this chance to snatch his note back.

"I fucking hate you," he grumbled and shoved it in his pocket. 

"No but seriously, you're writing again?" Niall asked and straightened out his shirt a bit. "Since when?"

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