Thirty Three

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Louis laid in bed, cold, shivering, with the blanket wrapped tightly around him. Looking over at Liam's sleeping figure, the emptiness in his chest grew immensely. The sheets tangled around his legs as he turned to look up at the ceiling, a cool breeze hitting him. He considered closing the window, but didn't feel like getting up. Lazily he propped himself up on one arm to grab his sweatpants on the floor, he looked around for the hoodie he was wearing but realized that he left it in the other room. 

With a sigh, Louis pushed himself up from the warm bed and walked over to the closet, picking out the first shirt he found. He put on the t-shirt before getting back in bed. He stared at Liam as he slept, not feeling tired at all, which was weird he thought, he was completely exhausted just a couple of hours ago. He cast a glance at the clock hanging over the door. 


He could barely distinguish the numbers with the weak street lights being the only light source in the room. He watched as the seconds passed by, one by one and counted them together with the clock. One, two, three, four. five, six, seven. . . He continued like that until one minute had passed, then he would start all over again. He did this until he could feel his eyelids grow heavier, but still somehow, he wasn't at all tired. One, two, three . . . Ninety four. . . Ninety fiv- he stopped. He had passed sixty a long time ago and now his minutes were all messed up.

Louis let out a sigh, shivering slightly at the cool air entering the room, he wanted to slap himself for forgetting to close the window, but there was no way he was getting up again. He could sleep in the cold, he decided. Whatever, he deserved it. It's just a little gust. Besides, he had heard that it was good to sleep in a colder room. Apparently you slept better or deeper or something, he couldn't quite remember.

After tossing and turning for most of the night he decided he would not get tired like this, he closed his eyes, facing Liam and just tried to at least get some rest.

He must've dozed off, because a loud noise startled him out of his slumber. He snapped opened his eyes and looked around for his phone, finding it under his pillow. With a quiet groan he turned the damn thing off before slumping back down again. He rested his hands on his chest, phone still in hand, and just stared up at the ceiling trying to gather enough energy to get up and get ready. 

With a heavy sigh, Louis pushed himself off the bed and headed to the bathroom. He got ready a little earlier than usual and decided to pick up a tea on his way there. They had started making much more money since Louis got this job and spending it on stuff like this wasn't a problem anymore.

Drink in hand, Louis walked into the office. He doesn't know why he hadn't done it before, he had always loved his tea. And it had zero calories, Louis looked it up. So that was great, now he could get it everyday without feeling too bad. Though it had to be without cream and sugar of course. 

He placed the half empty mug on his desk before heading towards the staff kitchen. Still feeling half dead from the lack of sleep, Louis made the coffee robotically like every morning. He poured it in Mr.Styles' mug before heading down the hallway. He greeted him like every other morning and Mr.Styles answered politely with a smile. 

So there he was, at his desk, trying to work. He was supposed to send an email to Mr.Miller regarding the lawsuit but he had no idea what to say. This was getting ridiculous he thought as he looked at the draft in front of him. He had done this a thousand times before, why was he finding this so hard now? He sighed and took a sip of his cooled tea before going over Mr.Styles' file once again and decided to just go for it. If it turned out like shit then so be it. He'll fix it then.

Dear Mr.Madison Miller. . . 

"So are you coming?" Louis couldn't come up with a reason not to, he couldn't say he had too much work because Mr.Styles hadn't given him much to do lately, it was actually getting a bit boring. So with no excuse Louis reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, hold on, let me just log out," he said and nodded towards his computer.

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