Sixty Nine

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So I just wanted to let yall know that we will be moving again soon, and then move to America like maybe a week or two or... three after that (maybe)so it's a bit chaotic at the moment lol, sooo the next updates will come... when they come. Idk, soon I hope, and now you're probably wondering 'huh, when is soon?' And let me tell you I have a perfect answer for that. As a wise old man once said *clears throat* "Soon is... soon!" *cue cute laughter* Yeah that's it, okee bye bye!

Adios amigos! 🤠(<imagene mexican hat)🌮

Louis' fingers tangled in Harry's hair as he pulled back to catch his breath. Their foreheads were touching as he breathed heavily into Harry's mouth, heart pounding in his chest with excitement and maybe a little bit of nervousness, for what he wasn't quite sure off, mostly because he didn't have the time to think when Harry leaned forward to connect their lips once again. It was all teeth and tongue, desperation evident as their tongues battled. Harry's hands trailed down his waist till his hips where he stopped for a moment, caressing the soft skin with his thumb, before they slid down to his bum. He pulled back. "Okay?"

Louis nodded, "Okay."

"So I was thinking," Hary started, catching Louis' attention. "remember that conversation we had the other day? Where you looked all cute and were like huh your family seems great! Let's go visit them for christmas. Remember that? You know you're very pretty."

Louis rolled his eyes and opened his book again, "First off all, pretty? I think extremely handsome is the right word'' he corrected, "and second off all, I told you, I'm still thinking about it."

Harry pouted, "But you've been thinking for ages. Besides what else would you do?"

Louis sighed, "I don't know, I'm not that fond of Christmas so it doesn't really matter. I'm not a christmas person."

"Who doesn't like christmas?" Harry asked, offended.

"I don't like christmas"


"It was around then I fought with my family and I don't know, I guess it's just another reminder that I don't have a family and-" he paused. "and yeah" he said trying to seem indifferent.

"And what?"

"And nothing" and it was about that time I met Liam. 

Harry frowned, "so what, you're just going to stay home?"

Louis shrugged, "I don't mind, there are always too many people anyway"

"What about your birthday?"

"Yeah, I'm not to fond of that either"

"But Lou-"

"I don't want to talk about it," he said and brough the book up to his face again so that he was hidden from Harry's gaze. "It's just, when I was little, I would always celebrate with my family and even though I didn't have many friends she would always make sure that I had the best time. She would invite Zayn over the day before my birthday and we would have a sleepover, like a mini party and then the next day we would all celebrate together before he had to go home to be with his own family for christmas. She would leave snacks in the fridge cause she knew we would stay up most of the night even though we pretended to sleep when she came to check on us and it became somewhat of a tradition but then it all stopped when I left and that just sucks you know?" Louis stopped for a moment, a small frown on his lips.

"And I obviously know that things were bound to change anyway, I mean you gotta grow up sometime but yeah, I don't know. I just don't like thinking about it, it's not exactly fun knowing that your own family hates you. So yeah, I'm just not much for the holidays." He dropped the book in his lap again. 

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