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Monday came along way too fast for my liking so now I was standing in front of the mirror, trying to style my hair into a perfect quiff. Liam said my fringe looks childish and I didnt want to give a bad impression on my first day but this was taking a very long time, and I really didn't feel like waking up an hour earlier everyday just to fix my hair. Maybe I should just shave my head and get rid of it all. I could wear a beanie everyday. I chuckled at the thought of me walking into the office in a full suit and a beanie but I don't think Liam would like that very much. I bet Mr.Styles wouldn't be so pleased either. Zayn had always been a perfectionist when it came to his hair. I remember so many times we were late because he refused to leave the house without his hair styled perfectly. I missed him alot. He had been my best since second grade, but we stopped hanging out soon after I moved in with Liam. I was pretty bummed out about it cause I had never been the social type to make friends easily. They never really got along and I didn't quite understand why. I guess they're just too different. When I finally managed to get my hair right, I put on my tie and jacket and sent Liam a picture and he quickly sent me an approving text and wished me good luck. It was now as little past seven and I decided it was time to head out.

I arrived just in time for my little tour, I parked my car and walked through the huge glass doors and walked up to the front desk where the same lady as last time was seated. She smiled when she saw me, pointed at the elevators and said "top floor." I smiled at her and got on the elevator. I fiddled with my hands the whole ride, taking deep breaths, trying to get my heart to stop beating so fast. I had kept myself so busy all morning so I wouldn't feel so nervous but it was all getting to me now. Mr.Styles was a very powerful man, he could do whatever he wanted and get away with it. My thoughts were cut off by the door opening on the thirty second floor and a man stepped in. He had brown, short hair and blue kind eyes. He looked to be in his late twenties? He flashed me a smile, "Hey, I haven't seen you here before. I'm Niall'' he said in a thick irish accent. I smiled back at him "I'm Louis, today is my first day."

His face lit up in realization "Oh, You're Harry's new assistant!" he exclaimed. I was a bit surprised to hear an employee call him by his first name. The shock must've been evident on my face because he continued. "Don't worry, we are mates. I actually used to be his assistant. I know he can be very scary but you'll soon realize that he's actually really nice." He reassured me as the elevator arrived at the top floor and we got off. "Well, good luck mate!" he said in a chery tone and clapped me on the back. I thanked him and walked towards Mr.Styles' office when a woman stopped me.

"Hi, are you Mr.Tomlinson?" She looked stressed. I nodded "yes, that's me." She smiled at me and held out her hand, "Hi, I'm Chloe. I was supposed to meet you at the elevators to show you around. Sorry I'm late, there was a problem with my computer." I smiled at her. "That's fine, and call me Louis." She started showing me around the first floor where I would spend the most of my time. Then we went to all the different floors and she told me what they worked on in that department. She showed me my desk which was right outside Mr.Styles' office and she even told me some do's and don'ts with Mr.Styles.

"Don't ever disagree with him, especially when he's angry or in a bad mood. Always just nod along."

"Always get him his coffee at 8.00 AM sharp."

"Plain black, no milk, no sugar."

"Don't be late. If there is anything Mr.Styles can't stand it's tardiness."

And the list went on. I tried to take in as much information as I possibly could while trying not to panic. Mr.Styles sounded really strict and I didn't want to mess up. The tour was over just in time for me to be able to get his coffee. I thanked Chloe and headed off to the small staff kitchen. I made his coffee and made my way to his office, checking the time on my wrist watch. sharp. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I heard a muffled "come in'' and hesitantly stepped in, placing the coffee on his desk. "Good morning sir." He looked up from his files and eyed the coffee before putting the files down and standing up. He was standing with his back straight, in a perfect posture which made me feel smaller than I already was. He walked around his desk and stopped in front of me. "So I assume someone showed you around? Explained how things work around here?" He asked in a cold monotone voice.

I nodded. "Yes, sir. Chloe showed me around the building."

"Mrs.Wilson will be your mentor this first week." I assumed he meant Chloe. "I expect you to pay close attention to what she says and does so you can work on your own from next week on. If you have any questions regarding any of your tasks, you come to me. Any other general questions, you ask Mrs.Wilson. Understood?"

I gulped down the lump in my throat and nodded again. "Yes, sir."

His lip twitched into a little smirk. "Good. Start with sorting out that cabinet. I want you to shred all the dated papers and sort the files in alphabetical order." He nodded toward a cabinet beside his desk that I hadn't noticed before. "Be done by the end of the day"

I nodded. "Yes sir." The cabinet wasn't too big, but it wasn't small eather. This was definitely going to take the entire day. Mr.Styles certainly doesn't go easy on newbies here. 

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