Fifty Three

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Louis was completely exhausted when he got home. He went straight to the bedroom to find Zayn rummaging through his closet. "What are you doing?" He asked and shrugged off his jacket. "Nothing, just trying to find something to wear tonight," he sighed.

"Why? Why can't you just wear a shirt like usual?" He asked, confused.

"Because that's boring," he turned around to face Louis. "Have you been crying?" He asked, shocked.

"Oh, um no?" 

Zayn sighed, "what happened?" 

Louis looked down at his lap, "I don't want to talk about it," he said quietly.

"Are you sure?" He sounded sad. Louis nodded without looking up. 

"Okay, I'm here if you change your mind." Louis nodded again. 

"Is something special happening or what? Why can't you just wear a shirt?" 

"No, just thought it would be fun to look a little fancier for once," he slumped down beside Louis.


"You should come"


"To the bar," he rolled his eyes. "Where else? The moon?" 

Louis glared at him, "I can't. I have this thing, what's it called? Right. A real job." 

"Excuse you, I am the one paying all the bills here. Don't come at me with your Harry Styles bullshit." 

"What bullshit, you are the one who can't go a day without bringing him up."

"That is so not true. I haven't brought him up today."

"You literally just did."

"That doesn't count"

"And may I ask why?"

"Because I was giving an example."

"Example of what? Why I'm better than you? I work with Harry Styles man, what do you do? You serve people."

"I don't like you as a person"

Louis laughed, "yeah I think we have established that."

"But what about Friday, you coming then?" He asked.

"Do I have to? I want to watch TV," he whined.

"You do that every day Louis. You seriously need to get a life."

Louis looked at him, offended. "I am not the one who can't admit I have a stupid crush."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, confused. "I don't have a crush."

"Oh yeah? Then why do you suddenly want to look nice? And how come you've changed your tuesday shift. What's her name? Gidi? Didi? Gili? Gigi? Midi?"

"It's Gigi," Zayn interrupted his rant.

"Gigi, That's a cute name."

Zayn smacked his arm, "I don't have a crush on her."

"Yeah whatever. Whatever you say," he said amused, and got of the bed. "I'm gonna take a shower and then I'm going to sleep 'till' next week. Bye!" He called over his shoulder.

Louis played around with the pasta on his plate as his mind started to drift off. "Louis eat," Zayn reminded him. He took a tiny bite before slumping back in his chair. 

"I'm full"

Zayn sighed, "just finish the fish. Please? You can leave the rest." 

Louis nodded curtly and almost choked on his food when his phone started ringing. He really should turn the sound of that thing. He frowned at the unknown number and picked up the phone.

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