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"So you know when we went to New York? Apparently that was his psychopath ex blackmailing him. Can you believe?" He rambled on as he munched on a toast.

"I mean yeah."

"And did you know he sings? I never thought that about Harry." He said and slumped back in his chair.

"Harry? You're first name basis now? What's next, dinner parties? Wedding invitations?" He asked, amused.

Louis blushed and rolled his eyes, "shut up."

Zayn chuckled, "anyways, as I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me with your Harry Styles gossip-"

"It's not gossip"

"I'll work a later shift at the bar today. Remember the new girl I told you about?"


"Do you ever listen when I talk?"


Zayn shot him a glare, "shut up, as I was saying. There is a new girl, Gigi, and I'm going to teach her the basics tonight and so I'll properly be back by two, just so you know"


"I don't like you as a person," he stated.

"What? What did I do?" He asked with an amused grin.

"Ugh, nothing. You're so annoying. Okay bye. You'll be late for work."

Louis chuckled, "whatever, bye."

The cold air slapped him in the face as he stepped out the door, he should really get his winter jacket out he thought as he stuffed his cold hands in his pockets. But then he remembered that he would have to get a new one because his was still at Liam's. Louis let out a deep breath, watching the white fog form in front of his face. The frost crunched under his feet and Louis really wanted to crawl under a warm blanket with his hot tea and have a 'Friends' marathon, again.


He stopped in his tracks when he heard his voice, dread filling his body. He almost didn't dare to turn around because he didn't know how he would react to seeing his face again. But he did, slowly, with a heavy lump quickly growing in his throat. A million thoughts raced through his mind in the seconds it took for Liam to reach him. He grabbed him harshly by the arm, "Where the hell have you been?" He hissed in a low voice making sure no one took notice, his pitch black eyes staring right into Louis' ice blue ones. They were glazed over with fear and Louis couldn't talk past the lump in his throat. Liam's grip on his arm tightened and Louis wanted to scream but not a sound came out.

"Answer me," he demanded and Louis could physically feel the anger radiate off of him. His hands started shaking and he tried to come up with something to say, he really did, but his brain wasn't cooperating and Louis wanted to sink through the ground.

"Bet you were with that bitch!" He spat and looked around as if someone would magically appear. His chest heaved as he clenched his other fist and Louis had never been this scared. He wouldn't do anything, he told himself. He couldn't. Not here. He swallowed past the lump and tried to breath. "I told you to stay away from her," he growled. Who? Stay away from who? What was he talking about!

"When I find her, I swear to God-"

"Zayn," he piped out. Liam's eyes grew immensely darker, Louis didn't even know that was possible. He didn't want anyone to get hurt but now he threw Zayn under the bus. Great.

"What?" The fury heavy in his voice. "Answer me dammit!" He yelled this time and punched the wall beside Louis' head.

Louis was shaking violently and just tried to keep his knees from collapsing. "I- I was with Zayn," he finally managed to sutter out after what he assumed must've been an hour and Louis was pretty sure he saw red at this point. His hand came up to Louis' neck, curling tightly around his throat, cutting off his airway. He was screaming now, his voice loud in the empty parking lot.

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