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I started by moving all the files to my desk because I was not planning on sitting and working on Mr.Styles' floor, although that would've been easier. I had to make several detours just to get all the files to my desk. Some were stacked on the table but I placed most of them on a stack on the floor so I had some space to work on. I started going through every file and made a pile for the dated papers while also placing the sorted files in alphabetical order on my desk.

When I finished the first pile on my desk, I decided to put them back in the cabinet. I grabbed the files and opened the door to Mr.Styles' office. Without taking his eyes off his computer screen he began talking. "Did I say you could come in?" He asked in his cold deep voice. What? I didn't even think about it. I thought he wasn't going to mind considering my task. "No sir" I answered because I didn't dare to say anything else. I didn't want to anger him in any way. Anger just leads to bad stuff. Bad stuff I would very much like to avoid. "Get out, knock." Was he serious? I was already here. He must've been joking. But there were no signs of irony on his face.

I backed out of the office and closed the door with a huff before knocking. "Come in" I heard him say. I opened the door again and quickly placed the files on the top shelf in the cabinet and walked back out. I continued like this until lunch time came around and I was almost done with the pile on my desk. But then I looked at the pile on the floor. There was no way I could finish that in four hours. I decided to take a short walk to stretch my legs and then work through my lunch.

I got up from my desk and went to the staff kitchen. There were a few personal mugs on the shelfs and I thought about bringing one myself. Then I wouldn't have to drink out of a plastic cup everyday. I was making my coffee when Chloe walken in. She smiled when she spotted me and walked straight over. "Hi, how's your first day going?" She asked in a chirpy tone. I smiled back at her. "It's going pretty good so far. Mr.Styles told me to sort out the cabinet in his office."

"That's great. I was just about to grab some lunch with my friends. You wanna join? There is a great italian restaurant just down the street." I smiled at her cheerfulness. It was cute but I had to decline her offer. "I'm sorry, but I have to keep working if I want to get this done today," I said.

She frowned, "You're not going to eat?" She asked. "No, but that's fine. I'm not that hungry anyway. I had a big breakfast." I lied. I never really liked eating in the morning, but I didn't want her to worry.

"Alright, maybe another day." She said and started leaving. She stopped by the door and turned around. "Oh, I forgot one of the don'ts. Never enter his office without knocking" she said before walking away.

It was nice talking to people other than Liam. At my last job people mostly kept to themselves but everyone I've met here so far has been very friendly. Well except Mr.Styles that is. I hope Chloe and I become friends. She seems to be very nice. I really do think we could become great friends. I grabbed my coffee and headed back to my desk and took a sip before placing it on my desk, careful not to spill and started working through the files again.

After a while I saw Mr.Styles leave his office with his phone pressed to his ear. He was talking in a pretty low voice so I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but I could tell that he was enraged by the way his eyebrows were furrowed and his fist clenched by his side but he still managed to keep his voice calm.

I continued working until I was done with the pile on my desk. Mr.Styles still wasn't back and I didn't want to get in trouble for going into his office without permission so I put the stack on the floor and started working on another one until Mr.Styles finally returned and I went to place the files in the cabinet.

I smiled to myself and stretched my arms when I finally finished my first task at this job. I took the stack of dated papers and went to the copy room where the shredder was and started feeding each paper through the machine until the huge stack was finally gone. I looked at my watch to see that I still had about thirty minutes left before I could go home. I grabbed the final stack on my desk and knocked for what felt like the thousand time on Mr.Styles' door. I walked in when I heard his "come in" and placed the files in the cabinet.

"I'm done," I said. He looked up from his computer with a surprised look on his face before quickly throwing a glance at the clock above his door and his face went back to neutral. "Good, now go through my schedule for tomorrow and email it to me. When you've done that, you can leave." I nodded my head before walking out to my desk again. I quickly went through his schedule and sent it to him before I started to make my way to the elevator. I thought about what I was going to make for dinner when I got home, my stomach was rumbling after an entire day without food.

When I got home Liam still wasn't there as he usually got home around six thirty. I decided to make a vegetarian lasagna. I quickly changed into some sweats before I started cooking cause I wanted to be done by the time he got home. He was always grumpy when he was hungry.

I put the dish in the oven and yawned. I hadn't realized how tired I had gotten. Probably from not eating anything all day and as if in cue I heard the front door open. I made my way to the door where Liam was standing. He shrugged off his jacket and shoes and walked past me to the kitchen and I followed him and took out two plates. I was starving at this point. I heaved up some lasagna on both plates while Liam went to change and freshen up a bit.

When he came back, he sat down at the table while I got a jug of water. I sat down beside him without a word. He seemed to be in quite a bad mood and I had learned that it was best not to upset him when he was like this.I started eating as soon as I sat down. Liam eyed my plate and raised an eyebrow. "Are you really going to eat all that?" He asked. My face fell and I put my fork down on the plate. "You know, you've gained some weight lately." I looked down in my lap where in shame. "You're right, I'm sorry." I was quick to say and my cheeks heated up. I was still hungry though, I had barely started the meal but he was right, I needed to lose weight, nobody wanted a fat boyfriend. Besides, I had lost my appetite.

"So, how was work?" He asked. I shrugged, I wasn't really in the mood for small talk right now. He put his fork down and looked at me but I kept my gaze on the table. "How was work?" He asked, this time his tone a bit harsher. I shrugged again, "good" I said absentmindedly.

Before I knew it I was lying on the floor with a stinging sensation on my cheek and I felt my tears prickle in my eyes but quickly blinked them away. Liam stood beside me and looked me in the eyes. "When I talk, you answer. Properly" he said before grabbing my arm, nails digging into my skin, and pulled me off the floor. I could still feel my cheek sting, I hoped it wasn't going to bruise. I don't want to walk into the office with a huge bruise on my face. I didn't know how I was going to even start to explain that. I sat down on the chair again and he kept eating. "How was work?" He asked again. "It was good," I answered in a small voice. "I met a girl, Chloe. I think we can become good friends."

Liam looked up from his plate, his lips tugging downwards into little frown. "I don't think that's such a good idea," he said. "She will just try to split us up, like Zayn did. I'm telling you, the fewer people you talk to, the better because they will just end up hurting you in the end." My heart dropped to my stomach. I knew he was right, he was always right, but I just loved the thought of having a friend again, even if it only lasted for a few hours.

"I just miss having friends you know," I said. He sighed and looked at me. "You'll be fine. You have me. Am I not your friend?" He asked.

I immediately felt guilty. Of course he was my friend. He was my best friend. He's just looking out for me cause he doesn't want me getting hurt and yet here I am complaining to him. "Of course you are my friend Li, you are my best friend, you know that."

He smiled "good, so promise me you won't befriend anyone at your office. I just want what's best for you."

"I promise, I said. But I still have to talk to them, I work with them."

"That's fine, just don't talk to them more than necessary. I don't want anyone to get between us. I love you too much."

"I love you too."  

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