Twenty Two

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"Who was it babe?" She asked and turned around in her chair. "Oh, hi Lewis."

Louis was just staring at her, trying his hardest to stay calm and not go off on her, but it was proven to be a lot harder than he thought. After what felt like an eternity, Louis finally smiled at her, or tried to at least. It propably ended up looking more lile a grimace than anything, but he honestly couldn't care less, who the fuck was she to call his boyfriend babe!
"Hi" he replied before removing the pot from the stove and washing his hands again, splashing water on the floor.

Liam had followed him into the kitchen and was now chatting with Lindsey. Louis tried to not listen to their conversation but it was really hard to ignore her obnoxious laughter and Louis really wanted to punch her in the face. 

"I hope you made enough for Lindsey as well" said Liam and Louis had to keep from rolling his eyes.

"She's staying for dinner?" He asked instead, and really hoped he misunderstood what Liam was saying. But with his luck that obviously didn't happen.

"Yes" he simply said.

"Why?" He snarled. But he regretted it as soon as she said it because that response didn't really sit well with Liam. 

"Louis," he said in a warning voice, "don't be rude to our guest." 

"Sorry" he said in a small voice.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Lindsey" he said and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, gently caressing her arm. Louis felt sick with jealousy when he saw the way she was eyeing his boyfriend, but still managed to get out a short apology.

"I'm sorry Lindsey'' he said. She ignored him but atleast Liam seemed pleased so it was fine. He grabbed three bowls from the cabinet and served up three portions before placing two of the bowls on the table along with two spoons. Then he went to get his own soup but slipped on the water and dropped the bowl. It broke with a loud clash and the soup went everywhere, including Lindsey's sweater.

"Oh my God!" She screeched as she quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom to try to get the stain off. "What the hell Louis!" Liam roared and Louis could feel a heavy ball of fear grow in the pit of his stomach when he realized what he had done. He knew what he had gotten himself into and feared what was to come.

Louis immediately reacted by picking up the biggest pieces, cutting his hand in the hurry but he ignored it and kept cleaning up the mess while apologizing, but he knew it was of no use because he fucked up. Again. 

Liam grabbed him harshly by the arm and dragged him to their bedroom, almost fuming, slamming the door behind them. Liam was screaming at him but he couldn't quite distinguish the words, everything was a blurry mess and he feared he wasn't getting enough air. After a while Liam left to go check on Lindsey and Louis stumbled back and slid down the wall, trying to gain control over his breathing. 

Louis woke up on the floor with an aching back, he slowly got up and looked around the room for Liam, but he was nowhere to be seen. Louis looked everywhere, the living room, the kitchen, he even checked the bathroom, but he couldn't find him anywhere. 

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat and went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, his hand had started to throb where he cut it on the broken bowl. He grabbed a piece of cotton and cleaned the cut, it wasn't that deep but there was a lot of dried blood smeared on his hand and down his arm. He even had a bit on his face from his position on the floor. 

After cleaning the cut, Louis wrapped his hand in a bandage, not wanting his cut to get infected, then he went over to the kitchen to clean up the mess. The soup had seeped into the cracks between the old floorboards and was going to be really hard to get rid of. Louis was about to grab the cloth by the sink when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and before he knew it, Liam had turned him around and was pinning him against the counter top with his body.  "What is wrong with you?" He roared, "do you know how humiliating that was?" And before he knew it, Louis felt a stinging sensation on his cheek, Liam had slapped him so hard he would've fallen over if Liam wasn't holding him in place. 

He tried to say something but before he got the chance he got interrupted "you haven't even cleaned up!" He backed away from Louis and gestured to the floor, "what the fuck have you been doing all this time?" He said and pushed Louis so he stumbled and hit his head on the table. With one last kick to the shin, Liam turned around and left.

Louis slowly got up to a sitting position, his head hurt and he felt kinda dizzy. He brought a hand up to where his forehead hit the table to see blood on his fingers. He let out a little sigh before getting up and grabbing the cloth. It's better to get this done first, he thought and started cleaning the floor. 

When he was done and had cleaned the cut on his forehead he sat down by the kitchen table to examine his leg, it was a little swollen and a bruise had started to form. He knew he could cover up the cut with his fringe but he didn't know what he was going to do if his face bruised as well. Louis exhaled loudly before getting up and walking over to the bedroom with a slight limp, he gently peered the door open incase Liam was still mad, he looked around to see him sound asleep on the bed and his clothes messeley hanging out from their closet. He went over there and folded his clothes before putting them back in, and then picked out new clothes for himself because his was ruined by now. 

He changed and got into bed next to Liam, careful not to wake him and pulled the covers up to his face before closing his eyes and fell asleep with silent tears rolling down his face.

Louis arranged his fringe very carefully with a lot of hairspray he found under the bathroom sink, it was probably too old but Louis didn't care because he couldn't have anyone seeing the cut. Then they would just ask a lot of questions that he didn't want to answer, he didn't want to think back to that day. 

It was bad enough that he had to lie about his bruise, he still hadn't come up with anything good to say though. Maybe he could say that he fell down the stairs. No, that wouldn't make any sense, Louis thought and sighed.

When he finally got done doing his hair, he grabbed his keys and headed out. 

He got a few looks as he made his way to Mr.Styles' office, trying hard to walk normally, he didn't want to spill again and ruin everything. He considered getting some makeup or something in case this happened again. He knocked on the door and waited for Mr.Styles' permission before walking in and placing his drink on the table.

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning" he smiled and looked up from his paperwork and immediately got a frown on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows but didn't say anything. He looked kinda hesitant before he finally asked "what happened?" He sounded concerned.

Louis panicked and just said the first thing that came to mind. 

"I fell," he explained. "But I'm alright," he quickly added.

"Oh, alright then, you should get to work" he said, frown still evident on his face.

Louis nodded and turned around to leave but then added "yes sir." 

Louis tried to keep a straight face as they walked up the stairs, but his leg hurt too badly and he couldn't keep his face from contracting in discomfort. Why don't this place have any elevators? Mr.Styles looked over at him with concern in his eyes.

"Are you alright?" 

Louis quickly nodded, "yeah I'm fine" he rushed out. He didn't want Mr.Styles to find out about his leg injury as well, Louis didn't need him to think that he was even more pathetic.

Mr.Styles didn't seem convinced at all but he let it go which Louis was very grateful for. When they finally reached the top, which took a lot longer due to Louis's leg, they were met by a man who looked like his third wife just left him. The man smiled widely at them, showing off his clearly bleached teeth and shook their hands before leading them towards his office.

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